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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"I... I'm s-sorry Seviper," said Skye

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It's okay Skye, I'm just getting old."said Seviper.

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Fluffy started crying loudly, "b...but I don't want to lose you again." She shouted. Then she heard Skye's suggestion, and stood up, "some...one told me about professor... Were you talking about it?" She turned to Kimi. "He can do something. Right? RIGHT?"

Chris looked at his pokeballs and slowly said, "I want them to go back too..."

Milotic sighed, "this is not done." And looked at Seviper again, "remind me to take you to an espeon."

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"Maybe h-he could," said Kimi, sobbing. "Maybe the two of you could work something out." She looked up at the Milotic. "What do you mean this isn't done?"

"Shall we g-go and see h-him?" asked Skye.

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"Us poison types don't mix well with psycic types like espeon."said Seviper to Milotic.

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Fluffy was still crying, not listening to anyone.

"Some Pokemon do like competition, and they need a guide. Humans and Pokemon were meant to be friends, not masters and slaves and..." Milotic said coming near Kimi so max can't hear, "all starter pokemons are orphans."

(Ooc: whoopwoop, giving new twist lol)

"We should go to the professor."

Christy and Sarla came by then, "everything is go...?" When they saw Fluffy crying, "maybe not..."

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(ooc: Wow, I was practically going down the same route with Starters! Only difference was that they were also held in captivity their whole life, so were unable to speak etc.)

"They... they are...?" asked Kimi. "Oh my God, what have we done..." She looked down at Max. "Do you really want me to take care of you?" Max wagged his tail and yipped happily. "But if I free you, you won't remember me."

Skye put his arm Fluffy. "We'll find a way,. I know my Dad always did." Skye gazed off into the middle distance. "Mommy... Daddy... Melo...."

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Milotic nodded her head, then turned to Seviper, "you need a dose of heal bell though."

Chris just stood there, he suddenly, sat, covered his face with his hands and tried not to cry.

Fluffy sniffed, "M..elody." She reminded, then kissed him, "I want you to know, that even if we forget this, I love you so much," she hugged Skye, shedding a tear.

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"I miss the old days, when my only enemy was Zangoose."said Seviper remembering his younger days.

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"I wonder why you types always fight with Zangoose." Milotic said,

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Kimi scooped up Max and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry." She looked up and saw Chris. Slowly she walked over to him. "Chris... are you...?"

"I l-love y-you too Fluffy," said Skye. "And I-I know, no matter w-what happens, w-we won't f-forget it."

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Christy and Sarla stood there, not sure what to do.

Chris suddenly looked at Kimi, wiped his tears and asked, "wh...at?"

"Promise me..."

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"This feued has been going on for hundred of years."said Seviper.

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"This is so different to everything we've been taught," said Kimi, sitting next to him.

"I promise Fluffy. I promise," said Skye, holding her tight.

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"Why, I'll never know," Milotic said, brushing her hair with her tail, "what an interesting day."

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"Chris?" Kimi asked, starting to be worried at his silence.

Skye waited for Fluffy's response.

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"Put me down Heracross."said Seviper.

Heracross place Seviper gently on the ground.

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"How... I was such a... I forgot they're living beings too..." Chris said, trying not to burst into tears.

Fluffy looked down, not knowing what to say, then she smiled and said, "how can this turn both into my best and the worst day. And both because of... You." She hugged Skye.

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"You'll find a way to make up for this. We'll talk to the professor, and then we can tell what we've learned to everyone," she smiled slightly. "We're gonna change the world."

"We'll find a way to make sure it stays as just your best day," said Skye. He looked around. "Should we g-get going?"

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"Maybe that why we only battled once." Chris smiled.

Fluffy wiped her tears, sniffed once more and nodded, "yes, let's go,,."

"Not at all." Milotic said, "do you need help with that back of yours?"

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"Maybe it was," said Kimi. "I never liked to see them getting hurt."

"I could carry you," Skye offered Seviper.

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"And I just wanted.. To win. I was so selfish."

Fluffy gave a good look of 'lucky fellow' go Seviper,

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"I always thought I needed to look after my fellow creature and my back does need help, but the back problems might come back one day, oh well."said Seviper to Milotic.

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"You were," said Kimi. "But if you feel about it now, that means your not a bad person, right?" She stood up and offered him her hand. "C'mon, lets start putting things right?"

"Are you sure you don't want a lift Seviper?" asked Skye again, not realsing the look Fluffly was giving him.

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