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62 Buuuut....the Philipines are far away from Germany Dx "only 7 hours"

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Okay, maybe 'only' was a poor choice of word there!


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Ummm. Well, we are pretty way ahead of you guys in terms of days... But... I think, you can't get to our country in a span of 7 hours if you fly from Germany.

Whoa. It's already summer there, Skye? Considering you guys had a DSH now.


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Well, it's "summer" here. So the rain is slightly warmer!

P.s. Loving the cute new avatar!


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Inuki, did you watch me? Dear, oh, dear- apologies if I missed you, but if I go on DA all my friends will pounce on me and I can't give them time right now!

And yeah, nice avatar :) sis *snuggles in tails*


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I knew it! Does your daylight saving hour thingy always start on the summer? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Awww. Gee, thanks. I had that selfie taken a few years back.


EDIT: Yo sis! *holds one paw up* Been a while. :3 Awww. It's okay. I understand. *huggles you* I can wait you know *with you following me back or something*. The fact that you now know I have a DA account and I'm watching you is enough for me. And I understand your studies come first. :) Haha. Thanks for that! Loving the new pic too. :)

Edited by Inuki

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Ewww, daylight savings time- working well to ruin good family days :D

*holds one paw up* Thanks for understanding, girl! Missed ya, y'know. Another reason why I aint wacthing is cuz I am waiting for the time I can be active there too, so yeah ^^ and thanks ;)

So, how is you :3


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Really? I don't really know since we don't have those here.

Awww/ That's sweet of you. *teary-eyed as of now* Take your time. I won't be going away. *well, at least when my classes start on August. xD*

I'm fine. Thanks for asking. HBU? :3 How are your studies?


Edited by Inuki

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Lucky, not in India either, but when I was in 'murica and UK...

*teary eyed* yeah..but I leave after 3 days for a month...

Nice to know, and no problem. I am doing fine enough, thank you.


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Whoa. Is it really that bad?

*now crying* I--I understand. Your studies are more important. I understand... It's just that... I'll miss you. D':

Good to know! Keep it up! *thumbs up*


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Kinda,not too bad XD

*cries and hugs* ME TOO!! WAHAHAHAHA (this is turning into a soap opera...)

Thanks :3 same to you *Thumbs up*


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I see. I wonder what I would do if have those here. xD

*notices* It is. But who cares?! We're technically sharing our last moments of sisterly bonding before school drags you far, far away. D':



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You'll get used to it

nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! and yeah, sucks, girl. But I HAVE to study or else my parents will disown me or something XD

no problem :3


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lol. Yeah. And speaking of school. I hope I'll get used to the fact that our classes will now start on August instead of June. *my uni just recently shifted its academic calendar*

Yes. And we all know that your parents are just doing that because they love you and they want you to have a good future and stuff! :3

*holds paw up* HIGH FIVE! xD


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Maybe you will, just don't end up in Uni on a holiday XD Our academic calender is very strict, hasn't been shifted since 7 years!

Yes, of course :) they care a lot

HIGH FIBE!! *holds paw up*


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Whoa. Well, this is the first time, something like this happened in the country in a span of a hundred years. Don't know what month school starts during the early 1900's. xD

Exactly! Now let's do our best to studeeehh!

Yeah! Oh! Oh! We should also make a secret hand shake or something. xD


EDIT: Oh hey, Dylan. What are you nervous about?

Edited by Inuki

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My fault we were trolled last time


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Trolled? Why?


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*coming out of the den, yawning and stretching*

*looks around*

Were's everyone?


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Um... Because I forgot the number

Hey Tails. Sorry, I haven't been given a chance to access my computer. I haven't been on it all day


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Hello... *yawns* I think I overslept...


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