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Hot weather... SEND IT HERE!


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I however, would love for snow to fall.

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Oh yeah. If it's cold and there's snow, I'm good


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Too much rain up here now. We're flooded!


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Really? Wow. Hope all's okay


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I'm soaking wet, but everything is fine!


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And you're drinking tea to feel better, right?


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How did you know?

That, and a dry set of clothes!


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Because I know you :P

Always a good idea


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Lol, yes you do!

True! Though I'm be getting wet again soon!


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And you mentioned it earlier

Aww... that's not fair


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Hai :3 *purrs*


Also, glad that you liked it Inuki, everything I said is just a truth <3 you guys are my favorite!

That brings a curiosity- what age were you when you first touched (I) computer (ii) internet

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Computer... Hmm.... 7 or 8ish... a Mega drive first, then we got an old DOS computer that had lemmings on it

Internet... 97/98.... I think... Just before I joined Secondary school. I remember there was a walkthrough site I used to visit for Goldeneye on the N64


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Wow, you might know how to work DOS? We were taught in grade 5, but I forgot :P but that's cool o.o

I was 3 when my uncle brought a computer (2003) I used it since then :P (always addicted to tech) but it was basically learning to turn it on and off and all that

By 7 I knew average computer stuff and we first got internet (2007) but it did took me a while, when I was 9 (2009) to 'browse' internet. My first website was CartoonNetwork.com :P

In India, internet and computer wasn't prevelant until 2008 or so, if you ask me. So if you tell that you first used internet at THAT time any Indian would be confused (and I wasn't even born at that Time ;.;)


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Computer- I was probably eight

Internet- Probably nine.


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Wait, you're saying you weren't born in 2008??? Bwa?

And I don't really know how to work DOS. Though (to give an indication of how mickey mouse my Uni course was) I was given a class, in Uni, in 2007, on a program that could ONLY work in DOS. What. the. Hell???


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(I'm telling I was born on 1999, and you used internet on 1998)

Wow, I and tails did start using internet on the same time, but, I was the earliest to use computer :P (according to age)

Won't blame you, we are learning java, back then, between dos and java, we learnt QBASIC. All I remember is "10 CLS"


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if(ElizaIsHappy == true)









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(Ahh, now makes sense. Wow, and kinda makes my mind whirl at that!)

I did learn how to use visual basic. Did a little program where you could wander around a dungeon.


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