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Younger Skye: I... I c-can't... k-keep i-it.... But I-I c-can't s-stop...


Older Skye: All bar a few. I think one of those is that time teleporter the younger you was carrying around.

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(Ooc: oh no a tail cramp)

Tails: *alarmed* This is new...Hmm...can you guide yourself to a lower height?


Miles: So I did end up writing about it. Does anyone else know of it's existence?

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(ooc: Yep, that and he hasn't really flown this way.)

Younger Skye; I-I... I t-think I can. *starts lowering, but erratically.*


Older Skye: Not that I know of. But, you never can tell!

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(Ooc: like learning to ride a bicycle)


Tails: Okay, now I'm going to help you to the ground.


Miles: What about you? Have you tried building one?

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(ooc: Exactly.)

Younger Skye: *nods head, looking scared.*


Older Skye: *shakes head* I've had plenty crazy encounters with time.

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*Tails grabs Skye's right arm and tarts guiding him to the ground*

Tails: Don't be scarred, everything is going to finish in a little bit.


Miles: That's good. I wouldn't want another change to happen.

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Younger Skye: *holds onto Tails hand with his free arm. Is at ground level but tails are still spinning*


Older Skye: Agreed. There's been too many already

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*notices Skye hasn't stop his tails*

Tails: I think I now what will stop that. *Tails reaches for his belt and takes out a small plastic bag with screws inside, empties the bag and puts air in it, popping it before Skye noticed*


Miles: Indeed. Now, back to business...

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Younger Skye: AAAGGH! *tails stop spinning. Drops to the ground, hands over head, tails covering him.


Older Skye: Yes. What do you make of it.

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(ooc: Older Skye is in his study. Younger Skye is... uh... wherever... Somewhere he can fly. Might still be in the choc factory!)

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*older and younger fluffy come out*

Older fluffy: uh, SJ, what are you doing..?

Younger Fluffy: uh...Skye, what are you doing..?

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Younger Skye: *peeks out from tails* F-fluffy...? Tails was j-just t-teaching me t-to fly!

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Younger Skye: Yeah. I... I-I actually flew p-properly for a-a bit.

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Tails:*giggles a bit* I'm sorry, only a distraction like that would make anyone stop, but if I where to tell you then maybe if wouldn't have worked.


Miles: Hmm. The semiconductors are still in the same place as the original I made as well as the mini motherboard. It seems I only changed the design, but not it's function. Now it has nanoscale plates, oh, and a magnetorhetorical fluid, very complex. *observes some more* and the outer covering is made of the fluid I talk about a while ago .

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Younger Skye: *smiles weakening* I guess, y-yeah. And it i-is great Fluffy


Older Skye: I think this is actually a mark three version. You made another one as a stopgap until this design was finished.

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Seviper: My boy knows Gunk Shot, makes me proud!

SJ: Are you crying?

Seviper: No!

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Older Fluffy: His eyes are sweating, Seviper Junior, it's nice to see *smiles*


Younger Fluffy: What distraction?

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Younger Skye: *smiles a little embarrassed* He p-popped a b-bag to s-scare me!

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Seviper: Party like it's.....whatever time it is

*SJ sighs*

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Younger Fluffy: *looks sadly at Tails* but why?


Older Fluffy: *laughs* You never changed!

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