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Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Skye: *to fluffy* We better go back and see if we can find everyone.

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*walks into living room and sees Miles*. Enjoying your glimpse into the future?

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Miles: Huh? Hey there Shadow. Yes, I have been enjoying the future, the view, and especially, Skye. I've been wondering. I have noticed that you have been...looking at the map of this Möbius, and recording data. I assume this is for GUN, right?

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Yes, identifying points of strategic interest for them. Why, what did you think I was doing?

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Younger Skye: *starts walking towards living quarters*

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Miles: You probably already know, as for what I told you about my timeline, but then I started thinking on the way you had reacted on that matter. You said you'll will not become that way, and I believe you, specially because of that character of yours. Then I thought to myself, what else would he be doing that? So, I formulate and now I have been confirmed.

*Tails walks to the chocolate factory*


Tails: He probably here.

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Younger Skye: *see's tails. Waves* Hi Da... er, T-tails.

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Tails: Hello, Skye. Ready for some flying lessons?

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Ah yes, me becoming a tyrannical madman. Don't worry, I don't want to be an emperor, that's not my business. Besides, with the information you've given me trying to secure a rule would require tremendous effort, and the simple fact is I couldn't win. I may live forever but the nature of tyranny means I would always be opposed and inevitably overthrown, my seizing of power having accomplished nothing but the spreading of misery to all.

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Miles: Yeah, that sums up the years your counterpart become king of Mobius. Anyways, from all this time traveling and information giving and getting, who knows what my present looks like when Skye and I return; and we will still be conscious of all the time continuum changes. I'm just uncertain of what awaits us.

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Younger Skye: *grins nervously* Yeah. This should be fun!

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Tails: It will. You're my son after all, and you have twin tails, and I heard you have trouble flying, but I haven't seen you fly.

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I'm sure it will be pleasant enough, you've certainly earned it given what you've done over the years. I'm more concerned about the events leading up to it, I imagine I will experience some difficult times.

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Miles: You probably did, yet I don't know about them. Those difficult time could have been the trigger to the tyrant attitude of your counterpart, but now you know of such story involving him, so it seems to be preventable this time.

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Younger Skye: W-well.... uh.... It's h-hardly proper f-flying... I c-can't control it p-properly....

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I know I won't become him, but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll have a joyous future.

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Miles: No. Although I have told you of the future, we all still don't know what awaits in our individual future, we can guess, formulate perhaps, but we can't know. Sometimes that future depends on us only, and sometimes on events.


Tails: Can't control it, properly? Show me, so I can see what the problem might be.

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Younger Skye: *looks nervous* Uh, okay... get r-ready to duck. *spins tails then turns into a tornado. Flies erratically across the room before landing dizzily*

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*duck during flight.*

*runs towards Skye after he lands*

Tails: how many fingers am I holding? *hold out three*

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Younger Skye: *wobbling on his feet slightly* H-hold on. *shakes head. looks.* Three! *stops wobbling* I d-don't get quite a d-dizzy as I used to

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Miles: Wait and see? Won't you make your own future. *pauses and thinks* Ha, I forgot you're immortal, that probably why you take this a bit more lightly and don't think too much of your future. Anyway, decisions write the future, good and bad, keep that in mind since you're immortal as I have stated before.


Tails: That's good. Hmm. From what I saw, you started spinning your tails properly, but when you let go off the ground it seems your momentum when into your body. Maybe if you were to hold to something set....

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Younger Skye: *nods* I do practice like that. B-but even then my whole body tries to spin around.

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I shall try to make my future but sometimes events occur which can have drastic, far reaching and often unintended consequences. In 100 years there may be an even graver threat than Eggman, and I won't have the same team to back me up or allies to call on.

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Miles: Perhaps. Perhaps not. You will find out. Anyhow, those in that time might be better prepare than we were with the coup d'état by Robotnik, and they might have better technology, our descendants, and you, an experience leader.


Tails: *starts thinking* Hmm. Do you spin your tails clockwise or counterclockwise?

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