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Gah!  Heh, try your best!  My will is strong!  You can't control-I-am-your-servant!

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Then again...these glasses are silly! *throws in the trash*

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Mistress-wants-a-hug? *hugs back*

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I'm kind of scared of Skye right now ^_^'

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okay I try.... *looks at Skye with the anime eyes again*

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*doesn't react to smack or eyes*

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..... Do we need to get Rouge to kiss him?

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I have a plan but it's weird...

*slithers up to Skye and licks him with super wet tounge*

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Tell him to be unhypnotised then try that

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Okay one more time *looks at Skye with anime eyes* Okay Skye go back to your normal self okay??

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*blinks* Huh... wha?  Why am I all wet and sticky?

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.... You fell and what a coincidence there was something sticky on the ground?

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