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Of course!


*Pokes Seviper* Tag

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*Running away* Be careful what you say!

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You can't escape!

*pulls out giant slingshot*

Be ready to be tagged!

*launches into a tree*


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*Stops* Um... catapults are cheating anyway... <_<

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So are wings <_< But WE still use them.. Sevy you okay? o_o

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I'm fine...*walks up to shinomi and tags* You're it!!! *runs*

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How can you walk when you have no legs? o_o *runs to Skye* :3 Tag~ *poked his nose and ran*

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*rubs nose* Hey!  *swoops towards dylan*

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I'm not cheating! It's in my biology like nature!

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<_< sure sure.. *jumps into the bushes*

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*swoops above Dylan.* Dang it!

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Skye's still cute though :3

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Ahh! Underground Mutant Crabs!!! *quickly comes back to the surface* *toss dynamite down the hole* Done and done.

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Those dayum crabs... stole my boat =-=

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