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Wait.. crabs?  I'm gonna stay airborn!

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You don't like crabs? *teleported next to him still floating in the air*

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Well... they're tasty...  I'm just scared of their claws.


Well... I'm s-scared of most things

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There's a few left. *pulls out mallet* *a cruel censored crab beating goes off screen*

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They stole my boat... =-= *pats Skye's head* I know..

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Who wants crab for dinner! *holds up a beaten Mutant Crab*

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Given what trouble eating stuff here has been,.... eating a mutant... yeah, not a good idea..

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Y'all our such babies! This won't do a ting! *Crab opens eyes and grabs Seviper*

Then again...

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I don't think it's quite dead...

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I'll fix that! *pulls out mallet* Whack!

*crabs falls* How about tacos instead.

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:D we have a true genius here!!

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*looks at Seviper with anime eyes* PIZZA? :3

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I think she's trying to hypnotise you Seviper.

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Oh yeah! *puts on goofy swirly glasses* Try now!

(I'm so clever and nutty at the same time!)

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.... *looked at Skye with the same anime eyes* But I'm not trying anything :3

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