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So, wait... are there two Skye's now? On on a frozen lake, and one where the lake wasn't frozen????

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Nooo. There is only one of you. I blame the internet for momentarily making a copy of you. And also, I blame my tablet for it is hard to type and catch up with you guys. XD

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Silly internet for clones me. There's enough versions of me on this site already! :P And silly tablet as well. Bad tablet! Be easier to type with!

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Yes. But the tablet won't listen. It is as wild as the internet!

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But how?!

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Two Skyes for the price of one. Fluffy would enjoy the two extra tails

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Lol. Dang right you are. XD

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Hmm... Two Skyes in the same place might be a problem in the long run... But who cares really

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So.. There is two of me?

Yes there is.


Don't be s-scared. I a-am you after all!

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So many Skyes... Where's Eliza? She needs to be here

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We just need to call her. XD

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So, I'm too fast for you, huh? ;)

And now, I wish to point out that 96% of the times here! I'm on my tablet so it's totally fair and square :P


Hi g- okay what?

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That's cool yo. xD

Oh yeah. There are two Skyes now. Blame the internet. :D

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I thought she would be. Two Skyes is twice the cuteness

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Of course, I mean, skye makes her happy so she'd be double happy

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Don't forget the doubled adorableness. :3

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Well, one might be fake and there will be a showdown to find which one!

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Oh. Soooo. the other one's an evil twin?

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There could be a possibility, Dylan. XD

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That's why I said just yet. I'll go with the assumption neither are evil for now

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