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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Berry recognizes her, so it HAS to be the younger one- right?)

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(ooc: True, though maybe they thought she just had a dye job? :P )

"Hi Berry, Hi Kayl," said Melody as they appeared. "How did it go?"

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(ooc: lol maybe.)

"Hey there." Kayl said, then sighed, "so, it is settled, the scumball leapfrog gets to stay in the kingdom. I and Berry are exiled..."

"umm... does she even knows the first part of the story...?" Berry asked.

"Point, she doesn't..." Kayl giggled.

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"Yes. We can't keep track of you all with just Ziona and I here, especially as I'm taking Miles to another location nearby until he's called up for the rehabilitation program. I'm a probation officer, not a magician..And by twin sister you mean the younger one right?"

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Skye sighed. "Well, if you really have to. And yeah, the younger one is my 'twin', given our relative ages and... You're staying with Miles? You mean he's not remaining locked up?"


"You best start at the beginning then. Pull up a chair. I'm not going anywhere," said Melody.

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Kayl sighed, "Okay, Berry, tell her the story, but we've got to find shelter right now, can you tell me where Locke, or maybe Ziona is?" she asked Melody.

"I'll be with you here, sweetie, I'll tell you the story." Berry offered.

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Melody giggled.

"Locke is right behind you!"

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"Thank you. It won't take a second, and no he isn't. As part of his probation it'd help if he had at least some freedom, as he is reforming," said Zamy as she prepared Skye's chip.

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"Eh!" Kayl turned, surprised.

"Darn... gotta get eyes checked."

Berry joined the giggle.

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"I... suppose I shouldn't be that surprised, given what happened with me," said Skye, holding out his arm.

Miles was still looking around when Melody came over. "I didn't realise how cute you were when you were younger," she teased, causing Anna to start giggling. Miles stood there gaping, not sure how to respond.


"Don't worry, he's good at hiding like that!" said Melody

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Zamy inserted Skye's chip. "Thanks again," she said before pulling out her radio. "Ziona? I know you must be really busy right now, but I need to talk to you." she said with a hint of sarcasm.

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Berry continues giggling and Kayl giggles too.

"So, I wanted to talk to you for a place here, we're exiled from Berry's kingdom and don't know any other timeline to go to." Kayl said.

Berry said her story to Melody, in the meanwhile.

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Skye rubbed his arm slightly, then looked surprised as Miles came over to him.

"Skye, I think your sisters are ganging up on me," he said.


Melody listened to Berry's story enraptured.


Ziona gave a jump as her radio crackled. Feeling extremely guilty, she listened to the message. "Uh, er, sure things Zamy. Where are you?"

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Skye sighed. "I think it's only a matter of time before they do the same with me."

"And you're the one who needs to live with them," said Miles. Skye gulped.

"I, er, well... uh.... when you get your place, can I come over to, er, hide?" Skye asked.


"On my way," said Ziona. "Sorry Glen, our walk will need to wait. I'll be back in a sec!"

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"Thank you Ziona," said Zamy before taking her finger off the transmit button. "And of course you can Skye, so long as you don't bring the horde," she joked.

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"You have something in your mind, do you ?"Asked Locke.


"Just....tell me where the exit is, because I have no ida where we are..." Said Glen.

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"I'd be trying to get away from the horde too, so don't worry!" said Skye.


Ziona went over to one of the wall maps and showed Glen the way. "Okay, there you go. I'll meet you outside soon," she said, hurrying to the basement.

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"I can try and keep them busy while you make an escape if you need it anytime" Dylan said to Skye suddenly joining the conversation

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"Thank's Dylan, I may need it," said Skye with a smile.

"So if you're going to be hiding out at my place, maybe we should hang out together more so your sisters don't think you're just hiding from them," said Miles. Skye's smile vanished.

"Are you serious?"

"I... want to be friends Skye," said Miles. Skye's mouth dropped open.

At which point Ziona burst in. "Here I am. I... I... I think I've missed something here..."

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"Not too much Ziona. Or at least nothing that can't be explained"

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Ziona sighed. "Then you better explain what happened while I was being patched up."

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"Thanks for coming. The tracking chips arrived and I've put them in everyone but the Melodies. Once I've given the younger one hers, I'm taking Miles somewhere close by until he goes to the program. It seems like the best option."

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