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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hey! Wait!" Dominic said running after

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"But Mom sounded normal again!" called Zoe.

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"I wanna come though" Dominic said

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"Sure you can," said Zoe, slowing a little.  "MOM!  I'M COMING!"

Ziona smiled ask she heard Zoe's call.  "She's on her way Vipey," she said, then smiled seeing Seviper and Fenn.

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Zoe landed next to the group.  "Hi Mom!  I see you're a grown up again."

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Zoe startled Seviper which caused him to call backwards and Fenn landed on her feet.

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Ziona and Zoe both giggled at Seviper's antics

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"Don't you kids know not to sneak up on someone?" Said Seviper.

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"We weren't sneaking! You just weren't listening!" Dominic said

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"Yeah!  Mom called me.  You knew I was coming!" siad Zoe.

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"So why did you call me mom?" asked Zoe.

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"Well, I wanted to tell you something very important Zoe," said Ziona, looking at Seviper and Fenn.

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Zoe looked confused.  "What is it Mom?" she asked.

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"Seviper and I...we... we're going to be very close now Zoe," said Ziona kneeling to to look Zoe in the eyes.  "Which means you're going to have a new Daddy, and a sister."

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