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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Created?" Dominic asked cocking his head

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"It...er... was magic," said Skye.

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"Wait....I don't know where they're at right now!" Said Fenn.


"Yeah." Said Seviper.

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"We can find them!" said Zoe confidently.


"Shall I do more?" asked Ziona.


"You made a brother with magic?" asked Stacey.

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"That's really really cool!" Dominic exclaimed enthusiastically

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"Could you.... magic me some parents?" asked Stacey wided eyed.

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"Were do we look first sis?" Asked Fenn.


"If you want..." Said Seviper.

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"Yeah! Stacey needs a mom and dad!" Dominic said

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"Hmm!  The lab!  That's were Skye likes to hide," said Zoe.


"What do YOU want?" asked Ziona.


"Er... I... I don't think I can," said Skye.

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"Let's go!" Said Fenn running to the lab.


"Nothing. I got what I want." Said Seviper.

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"Because.... they'd be like my lil bro.  They'll... act like children," said Skye.




Zoe ran after.




"Me too," said Ziona.  "A happily ever after."

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"Oh... sorry cuz" Dominic said

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Fenn ran inside the lab and said "Skye! Little mongoose! You in here!?"


"And nothing will change that!" Said Seviper.

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Stacey suddenly burst into tears.  "It's not fair!" he yelled.


Zoe stuck her head in.  "Hmm, unless they've done an invisibility spell, they're not in here!"


"Never!" said Ziona, nodding

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"Were should we look next?" Asked Fenn.


Seviper put his tail around Ziona.

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Dominic hugged Stacey

"You'll get a mom and dad cuz" he said

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"Hmm... I don't think the went outside... so the games room maybe?" suggested Zoe.


Ziona pulled Seviper right next to her, snuggling into him.


"But I want one NOW!" he wailed.

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"You'll get one! I promise!" Dominic said looking hopeful to Skye

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Skye rubbed his hands together.  "Uh... there... m-might b-be a way..."

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"How?" Dominic asked looking up

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"Come on!" Said Fenn running to the game room.


Seviper smiled and put his head on Ziona's shoulder.

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"Really?" asked Stacey, wide eyed.

"It's... just a guess....." said Skye rubbing the back of his head.


"Coming... Sister!" smiled Zoe flying after.


Ziona stroked Seviper's head.

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