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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Can you use your powers to do that?" asked Stacey.



"Your what?" asked Ziona curiously. 

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"Mommy..." Said Fenn


Seviper fell of the couch hearing this.

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Ziona's mouth dropped open and she stared at Fenn.

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"Uh oh..." Said Seviper.


Fenn backed away a bit 

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"I can... but I can't really lift them into the air so theyre in the right... pos... pos... way" Dominic said

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"Do you... want me... to be your Mommy?" asked Ziona, still a little shocked.


"I'd only burn them to a crisp!" said Stacey a little sadly

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"Burning is nice" Dominic said smiling

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"I...." Ziona looked at Seviper.


"not for making a den," said Stacey.

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Seviper was upside down and said "I truly have no idea what to say..."

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"For a fireplace or something though!" Dominic said

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Ziona smiles and helped Seviper right himself.  "Well vipey.  Do.... you think.... we can...?"



"Oh!  Yeah!  We'll need to make one!" nodded Stacey

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"Then you can be in charge of it!" Dominic said

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"Oh!  That'll be cool!" said Stacey.




Ziona smiled resting a hand on Seviper.  "Well Fenn.  It looks like your Dad and I are willing to give it a try.  If you are?"

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"I hope so!" Dominic said with a grin

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"It will be," Stacey grinned back.

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"Good!" Dominic said giving a thumbs up

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Stacey tried to drag one inside/


"I'll take care of you... daughter," said Ziona quietly.

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Dominic giggled and started moving the other on his own using his powers

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