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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Tha' one looks big!" Dylan said pointing

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"I think you may be right Dylan," said Miles, opening the book to the page on the ride.

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"Am I ol' enough to go on?" Dylan asked looking hopeful

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"We might be able to buy you one from a gift shop. All these rides have themes after all."


"Point taken."

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"Yep, that's in your age range. You should be tall enough too. Not sure about Skye," said Miles.


"Yeah, let's go find one!" said Ziona a little childishly.


"But... hmmm... this one... maybe..."

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"Bu' Skye has tall ears! Tha' migh' make him tall enough!" Dylan said

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"I'm not sure if they'll count the ears," smiled Miles.


"We're just at the gift shop, so maybe they'll have one," said Ziona swooping in. "Aww, so much stuff.... I wan' that an' that an' that an'...."


"It's... kinda similar to the tablets actually... And I think Skye used something like it when.... when he planned to bring me back. It's a draining ritual."

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"Aww... bu' that's no' fair! He should be allowed on the ride!" Dylan said

(ooc: Isn't Skye with them to hear this too?)

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"Come on Ziona. Pick the one you like the most."


"I see. That may work. How long would it need to depower him and make him mortal?"

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(ooc: Yep, he was....)

"It's for his safety," said Miles reading the page. "I think he's JUST tall enough."


"But I wanna get all of em!" said Ziona, looking wide eyed at Zunnie. "Can't I get em all pleeeeeeaaaassse?"


"A while... and you'd need to keep him in the circle while it was being done. Plus, his power would need to be 'stored' somehow, and if he, or anyone else, got ahold of it..."

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"He is? GREA'! Let's all go on tha' one then!" Dylan said jumping up and down in excitement

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"Don't try that on me. I haven't got enough money to get you them all amyway."


"I see. At this stage blowing him up seems the most viable way. I'd have to be sure it was him and not a decoy though. Maybe we could use this ritual to weaken him."

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"Yeh, it sounds like fun," smiled Miles.


"Awwww...." Ziona's ears lowered slightly. "An' I spent all my pocket money on candyfloss..."


"We certainly could," said Melody. "And we might be able to destroy the container that holds his power afterwords."

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"Yeah! Shall we go fin' Ziona an' Zunnie so they can come too?" Dylan asked

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"Yes we should, but what about Skye? You want him to come too, right?" asked Miles.

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"Of course I do! Wai. Where is he?" Dylan asked

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"I don't know," said Miles, looking around.

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"Let's go fin' him!" Dylan said

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"Yes... I wonder where he went. I hope he's not in trouble," said Miles.

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"Come on!" Dylan said pulling on Miles' arm. "Let's find him!"

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Miles smiled and let himself be dragged.


"YAY! Thank's Zunnie!" cheered Ziona hugging her friend. "A shame I've only got one photo... oh..." Ziona stepped back and gasped. "I'm... I'm so sorry I acted like that!"


"Right, we'll need something to act as the container, and... do you have a large, metal circle here?"

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"Skye! Where are you?" Dylan called out

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"Huh? Over here!" called Skye from another part of the shop, with lots of space and rocket toys.

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