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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Awww, okay Dylan", said Ziona, handing the toy over a little reluctantly.


"We could take some rocks with us!" joked Melody

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Dypan saw Ziona's reluctance and felt somewhat guilty

"Do you... want Greeny?" He asked

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For a moment Ziona was about to blurt out yes, then she shook her head. "No, Greeny should be yours Dylan. Besides, we can share him, can't we?"


"Good. Let's get ready to talk out a god!" grinned Melody.

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Shadow Chaos Controlled himself, Rouge and the tablets to the desert, and Hope teleported the other equipment and Melody.

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"Weeoof, it's hot here," moaned Melody. "Let's get set up and do this quick!"

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Hope put the circle down and gave Melody the book whilst Shadow tried to assemble the tablets so they were aligned.

"A jigsaw puzzle stands between us and the fate of the world," he muttered.

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"Yes of course!" Dylan said with a smile

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"Thank you so much Dylan!" said Ziona, hugging both him and Greeny.


"Would your prefer collecting seven glowy rocks?" asked Melody as she handed Hope a piece of chalk. "I'd make the marking Hope, but, well...." she tapped her legs.

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Dylan went a little red and hugged back

"You're welcome, Ziona!" He said

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"Than... HEY! I just had an idea. Maybe Miles or Skye could bring Greeny to life kind like Rexy, then we'd have a huggy Triceratops pet we could share!" said Ziona excitedly.

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"Fair point."

Hope took the chalk and started marking inside the circle she had put on the ground.

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Dylan's eyes widened

"That's a grea' idea!" He said. "Hey Skye!"

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Skye had be staring at a massive toy rocket.

"Huh? What is it Dwylan?" he asked, stepping over.


"Right, we're almost there. How are the tablet's coming Shadow?"

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"Hey Skye! Can you make Greeny real for me an' Ziona!" Dylan said

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"Rweal? Uh, I cwould do thwat, bwut it would be ewasier to mwake a new pwet lwike Rexy for ywou thwan mwaking Grweeny becwome a rweal flwesh an' blwood dwino!" said Skye.

"We don' wan' him fleshy and bloody! We want him all huggable and soft, just alive!" said Ziona.

"OH! Thwat's ewasssssssssy!" grinned Skye.

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"Good. Just one more. I'm keeping the explosive one out for obvious reasons."

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"Yes, that would be safer!" grinned Melody.

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"It is?" Dylan asked looking even more excited

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"Yweah! I cwould do it rwight now. But... it won't bwe qwite as rweal as Rexy!" said Skye.

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Melody turned at Hope's jump.

"Looks like the star guest has arrived," she whispered to Shadow.

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Shadow turned around and jumped at Mephiles, motioning for Hope to conjure the magic hands to hold him in the circle.

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Melody got ready to start the ritual the moment Mephiles was in the circle.

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