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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Uhhh....." Ziona looked down. "Yes," she said in a small voice.


"Maybe we should make you a certificate then!" grinned Melody.

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"Bu' you sai' I woul' spo the surprise!" Dylan pointed out

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"That doesn't surprise me. You always did want your childhood back."


Shadow laughed a little. "Sure, why not? I've got a last ditch plan to take our god out. I figure if I hit the tablet from the reactor, it'll release all that energy in a large explosion."

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"I didn't say anything about what the surprise was!" said Miles.


"Was I that obvious about it?" asked Ziona, smiling a little.


"But.... wouldn't that mean..."

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"Bu' if I wen' to look behin' your back I woul' see somethin'!" Dylan said

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Zunnie smiled back. "Yeah I'm afraid it is."


"If I did it somewhere remote it wouldn't threaten anyone. And I've outrun some explosions in my time."

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"Mayyyyybe....." said Miles. "But no peeking, or you'll lose a favor!"


Ziona laughed. "I'll need to be more careful"


"Even ones where you were standing at ground Zero when it explodes?"

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"Aww... bu' I wanna see it now!" Dylan whined

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"It's ok to enjoy it. You may as well do it while you can."


"I don't intend on doing some idiotic sacrifice when I could easily get out of there, so don't worry. I might get singed a little but I'm not checking out anytime soon."

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"You'll need to be patient Dylan," said Miles firmly.


Ziona smiled,

"Yeah. It's not everyday you get this chance!"


"I hope not! I doubt rouge would ever forgive you if you did, as it would up her workload!"

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"Bu' patien' is boring!" Dylan complained

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"But sometimes you need to be," said Miles. "It's an important part of being a grown-up!"


"Then I will!" grinned Ziona. "You could join me if you wanted," she joked.


Melody smiled. "Are you even gonna tell her your backup plan?"

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"Aww... bu' it's boring!" Dylan whined

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"Oh no I'm fine," smiled Zunnie.


"Yes. You saw what happens when I don't."

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"I know, but it's needed," said Miles. "You want to be grown up, right?"


"I guessed that!" giggled Ziona.


"Good!" said Melody, smiling.

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"Nuh uh!" Dylan said shaking his head. "It's borin'!"

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"Its borin'!" Dylan repeated. "Please can I see what your hiding?"

He looked wide eyed at Miles

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"So you... want to be a kid?" asked Miles, ignoring the question.

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"Huh? I am a kid silly!" Dylan said giggling

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Miles took a step back in shock.

"But... you..."

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"What's wrong, Uncle Miles?" Dylan asked confused

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Zunnie laughed.


Sgadow went back to examining the tablets.


Rouge was now under Mobotropolis, still searching for the tablet.

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"You don't remember. This is worse than I thought," said Miles, mostly to himself.


Ziona giggled. "C'mon then, let's find the others!" she said, flying again.


Melody sat back in her wheelchair.

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