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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It's fine. I'm just glad I didn't fall for that trick with the eyes," she joked.


"I should be able to get that circle. And what will work as a container?" asked Hope.

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"That would have been embarrassing," giggled Ziona. "You used to be really good at it!"


"Anything really. We just need something!" said Melody

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"Oh there you are!" Dylan said walking iver to Skye

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"It's so long ago I've almost forgotten."


"I could find a bit of glass. That's easy to destroy," said Hope.

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"Hwi Dwylan! Lwook at all thwis cwool stwuff!" said Skye.


Ziona laughed. "You sound like your an old woman! C'mon Zunnie, you're not THAT old."


"That would work great," said Melody.

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Dylan looked around

"Whoa! This is soooooooo cool!" He said

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"I know, I know," said Skye, hopping up and down with excitement.


Ziona giggled again.


"Great. I'll read up on it and see what needs to be done

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"What are you gonna ge'?" Dylan asked

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Skye's ears dropped. "I dwon't hwave enough mwoney," he said sadly.

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Zunnie bought the lockets.


Hope went off and returned to with a small glass ball and got a large metal circle from a scrap drawer.

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"Ewverythwing is swo expwensive hwere!" moaned Skye.


"Thank's Zunnie," grinned Ziona.


"I think I've got this," said Melody.

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"Aww... no fair! There mus' be somethin' you can buy!" Dylan said

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"No problem."


"Cool. Anything to help hold him in place, a magic hand or skeleton?"

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"See if we cwan fwind swomething!" said Skye looking around.


"It is really nice of you though!" said Ziona. "I've gotta find a way to pay you back.


"You planning on going into necromancy?" joked Melody at the mention of skeleton. "There should be. You can do that while I do the main ritual."

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"Yeah! Ill look over here!" Dylan said beginning his search

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Skye started looking as well while Miles watched.


"Okay!" smiled Ziona. "As long as I don't forget!"


Melody started making a list of the materials she'd need. "Uh... you might wanna... skip a few pages Hope. They're a little,,, disturbing!"

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"Oh I won't let you," grinned Zunnie.


"Yeah, I can see that. Some of this is horrible." Hope skipped several pages.

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Dylan stared at it all

"It is REALLY expensive!" He exclaimed

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"Wait, hwere's swomethwing," said Skye as he picked up a rocket model kit.


"I knew you wouldn't!" laughed Ziona.


"Sorry," said Melody

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"Really? Wha' is it?" Dylan asked

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"It's a rwocket ywou cwan bwuild!" said Skye.

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"Wow! Really? That's super cool!" Dylan said grinning

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