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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yes, we better. It is getting dark," said Miles. "Let's go."

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"You'll protect me from the scary monsters that wan' to eat me at night, won' you Rexy." Dylan asked

"Rargh!" Rexy replied

"Thank you Rexy. You're so brave" Dylan then said

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"Good Rexy," said Miles smiling.

'I wonder if he'll still want the pet once he's older again?' he thought to himself.

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"Yeah! Very good Rexy!" Dylan said smiling

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"So what drew you to dinosaurs Dylan?" asked Miles.

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"They're just really cool! An' they're reptiles like me!" Dylan said grinning

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Miles stopped walking. "Pardon?" he asked worried.

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(Spark also stopped along with Miles.) no your a hedgehog like me, I think.

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"Yeah, I know they're closely related to birds but they LOOK like reptiles just like I'm a reptile" Dylan said not understanding what Miles was worried about. He then turned to Spark

"A hedgehog? I'm not a hedgehog, I'm a chameleon!" He said

(ooc: He's a porcupine)

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"You... you think you're actually a chameleon?" asked Miles.

"Of CWOURSE he's a chwameleon swilly!" said Skye.

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"Yeah, of course I'm a chameleon!" Dylan said turning invisible and then making himself visible again. "See? That proves I'm a chameleon"

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"You.. you are now," said Miles, kneeling down on front of Dylan. "But do you remember before you feel into the pool. Being a porcupine?"

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"Huh?" Dylan asked confused. "The pool made me younger an' smaller"

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Miles gulped. "At list rate your going to forget the pool did that as well. Dylan, listen. You didn't used to be a chameleon. You used to be a porcupine. You have to remember."

Skye started giggling. "I dwidn't thwink you could twell swuch gwood jwokes Mwiles!" he laughed.

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"It's not a funny joke" Dylan complained. His voice a little shaky

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Miles sighed. "Dylan... I'm... I'm not going to push you. I think it would do more harm right now. And you'd just forget again when the magic reasserts itself. I'm sorry."

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Dylan cocked his head to the side

"What are you talking about" he asked confused

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"Dylan... I.... Just enjoy yourself until I can turn you back to normal, okay?" asked Miles. Tears were visible in his eyes.

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"My thoughts exactly."


"Ok, we can keep an eye out for one with this guy in it."

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Dylan could see Miles was crying and began to cry too

"What's wrong, Uncle Miles! Something's wrong!" He said upset

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"Please don't... don't worry yourself about it Dylan. I don't want to hurt you," said Miles, turning away.


Melody took a slice and began eating. "Fanks!" said said through a mouth full of pizza.


"I don't even know who that guy is," laughed Harmony as they reached the cinema.

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"But you're crying! I can't enjoy myself if your sad!" Dylan said hugging Miles' tail to try and comfort himself

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"It's nothing Dylan," Miles lied. "Really it's nothing."

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"But it's not nothing!" Dylan cried out, his voice getting squeakier. "I don' wan' you to be sad! I wanna know why your sad! Are you sad I didn' like your joke?"

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"I'm... I'm sad because you're forgetting who you were, and don't believe me when I try to tell you the truth," said Miles.

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