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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You don't have a room yet?" Dylan asked looking up in surprise. He then noticed some of the earlier tears. "Did I upset you?"

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"You didn't upset me Dylan, quite the opposite. And yeah, I don't have a room. I only arrived yesterday remember?"


"Hmph, currently he's beating Hope!" complained Melody

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"Oh yeah..." Dylan said. "Well you should have a room! It's not fair that you don't!"

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"I'm sure I will get one, don't worry. The rest of my family has rooms after all," said Harmony. "I just... haven't get round to asking for one yet."

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"You should go ask for one now!" Dylan said

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"Yes, I probably should. But do you want to see you're drawing first?" asked Harmony.

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Dylan had forgotten about that but a huge smile came over his face when Harmony reminded him

"YESYESYES! Show me! Show me!" Dylan said bouncing up and down in excitement

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"Here you go," said Harmony, handing it over, delighted at Dylan's enthusiasm.

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Dylan looked at it grinning

"It's AMAZING!" he exclaimed. " I really really like it a lot!"

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"Thank you Dylan. Hopefully soon it won't be just a picture," said Harmony, looking back at her tails.

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"Yeah! Then you'll be able to fly! That will be really cool" Dylan said grinning

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"Yes. Yes it really will," said Harmony wistfully. "If I learn quickly, I could fly you around too. A shame Skye can't teach me right now."

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Dylan grinned at the idea of being flown about by Harmony. He then thought for a moment to try and think up a solution

"Maybe Uncle Miles could! He doesn't have two tails but he might still know how you can fly!" he suggested

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"Maybe he could," said Harmony, not really wanting to go for that option. "But, uh.... won't it be cruel to ask him to teach something he can't do now. Besides, he learned to do it without help."

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"I can ask him! Helping you would be a nice thing for him to do!" Dylan said not noticing how she didn't like that option

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"If you really want to Dylan," said Harmony, with a slight sigh.

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Dylan smiled

"Okay! I'll do that when I see him. And then you can learn how to fly and stuff if he says yes!" he said

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"Yes, yes I will," said Harmony. 'Flying might be worth putting up with him... and... and... if he HAS changed... maybe he'll treat me differently... I know, maybe I could ask him for some magic training too. See how it compares to how he taught Skye!' she thought.

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"But what do you wanna do while we wait for him?" Dylan asked, getting bored of just standing around

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"Hmm, I dunno. Got any ideas?" asked Harmony.

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"If Skye and Ziona were here, we could have played tag or hide an' seek. It's not as fun with only two people" Dylan said

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"I wonder where they are?" said Harmony. "I told Skye to find Miles. Hm, do you like board games?"

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Dylan began jumping up and down in excitement

"Yeah! Yeah! That will be FUN!" He exclaimed

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"Right... I, uh, wonder where they keep them..." Harmony looked at a nearby map on the wall. "Let's see... games room... games room.."

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