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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Harmony surreptitiously move the instructions closer so Dylan could see which piece to add next.

"Bet your cap that you'll win?" she asked.

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Dylan looked up at Harmony surprised

"But I like my cap!" he said but his tone suddenly changed as he then asked

"What will you give me if I win?"

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Harmony paused. "Hmm, that's a good question. I don't really have much. What would you want?" she asked.

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Dylan gave some thought to Harmony's question

"ICE CREAM!" he finally exclaimed

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Harmony laughed. "Okay, if I win, I get your cap. If you will, I'll get you the biggest ice cream ever. Deal?" She offered her hand to shake.

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Dylan grinned

"Deal!" he said now even more determined to win

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"Right! It is on now!" grinned Harmony, picking up and rolling the dice again.

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Dylan went into the box to get the piece he needed to add. But having paid no attention to the rules, he just picked up the piece he liked the best

"Where does this go?" He asked

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Harmony gave a little laugh and looked at the rules. "There Dylan," she said, pretty sure she could make it all fit in the end.

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Dylan put the piece in the place then looked to Harmony waiting for her to go

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Little did they know as soon as they even poke Spark it would cause him to go into rebirth form.)

(which means he'd become a kid because he wasted way to much energy and that would be the only form he could transform into. ME

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(ooc: Yay! Another kid to play with! :P)

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(ooc: I wonder what his sister will make of that? :D )

"You ready Miles?" asked Anna. Miles just grumbled in reply. "It's not nice of you to keep moaning and complaining like that," she said angrily. Miles gulped.

"S-sorry Anna. Of course I'll help," Miles said quickly.

"Awre you scwared of my bwig Sis Mwiles?" asked Skye.

"Uh... no, I'm not," said Miles, looking a bit sheepish. Anna gave a small smirk as she realised she could blackmail Miles.

"Okay, you grab his hands," said Anna as she took ahold of his feet. "And then we... WHOA!" Anna jump back as Spark's began to change.


Harmony picked up and rolled the dice. It placed her on a blank space.

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(ooc: Yeah, that's true)

Dylan began giggling as he rolled the dice again and landed on another add piece square. Again he cheered

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(ooc: Gonna be interesting to see!)

"Hmm, I think the dice like you Dylan," said Harmony as she pushed the box over.

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Dylan grinned

"Maybe the dice wants me to have ice cream" he said

He then took out another completely random piece and put it where he felt it should be without asking if it was the correct place

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"Maybe it... Uh, Dylan? That part goes there, " said Harmony pointing.

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Zamy rushed over to Miles and Anna.

"What's he doing now?"


Hope performed a few more combos bringing the character down to a slither of health, but Shadow managed to counter at the last minute and perform a long combo as his character beat the ninja with the bat until they were defeated.

"It's ok, he's nearly knocked out and the cyborg isn't at full health either, so you should at least be able to take this guy out with one light attack." thought Hope.

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"Does it? Aww..." Dylan said moving the piece over to where it should have gone

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(Spark began to turn yellow again but instead of staying the same hight he shrunk to a body of a 8 year old.)

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"Another one?" commented Miles surprised. He looked up at Zamy. "Is the a child day-care centre anywhere around here?"

"Swo... he's a kwid lwike me?" asked Skye, kneeling down on front of Spark.

"I don't know if he is or just looks like one," said Anna. "But he does look sweet!"


"If you don't build the trap right, you won't be able to trap me and get the ice cream!" Harmony warned as she rolled the dice. And ended up on a 'go back one square'. "Awww"


'Right. Better be careful though', though Melody as she got back into the game, using what she'd seen to try and avoid the hockey-masked attacks and land a quick blow.

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Dylan stuck his tongue out at Harmony and rolled the dice. This time he landed on a "miss a turn square" and he looked at his piece disappointed

"No fair!" He said

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Zamy grimaced. "For crying out loud, this is getting to the point of stupidity. No, it's gone far past that point."


"The character launched the giant baseball into the air which started to bounce around the screen, continuing even after he was knocked out by the blow and the cyborg was tagged back in.

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"I think it went past that point when someone pushed Skye into the pool," muttered Miles. Then he looked concerned. "Will you be okay?" he asked Zamy.


"Hehehe, I gonna get you cap!" taunted Harmony as she rolled a six, then landed on a 'add price'. "I'm on a roll!" she exclaimed happily, taking a piece out of the box and handing the dice to Dylan.


"Time to multi-task," muttered Melody as she immediately attacked the cyborg, trying to dodge the random ball.

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