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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan took the dice and rolled a 6 but ended up landing on a move back 1 square

"This game is a meanie" he said crossing his arms in a huff

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"I honestly don't know, I hope I will be. This day just keeps getting worse."


The cyborg blocked and began to fire the cannonballs again.

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"But if you win, that will make the ice cream taste so much better, won't it," said Harmony, trying to cheer Dylan up.


"Hmm, but maybe being a child will make Spark a little less.... prone to strange power eruptions?" said Miles hopefully.


"Gah, this is crazy," exclaimed Melody as she dodged the cannon balls but got hit by the baseball.

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"Maybe, but I'm not filled with confidence in that Miles."


Shadow pressed the advantage and had the cyborg charge forwards to try and deliver a shoulder tackle.

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Dylan gave a weak smile

"Yeah... It would. But I'm losing!" He cried out

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"I guess we'll only know when he wakes up," said Miles.


"Not until we get to the last section," said Harmony rolling the dice, moving forward three space. "It's not the first person to reach the end remember!"


Seeing the cyborg coming Melody made her martial artist perform a sliding kick.

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Dylan smiled a little more and rolled the dice landing on a "Add piece" square. He began to look happy again

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"See, it's looking up," said Harmony, pushing the box towards Dylan.

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"Then you did it dear. You could hardly be more special to me than what you already are, fox or bat." Kept on glen.

Maybe would they meet someone on the way....but not locke, whose door was suspisciously unlocked .

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"Maybe" Dylan said looking happily at Harmony as he took out another piece

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(Spark stood up but couldn't help but felt smaller he looked up and saw Anna, Miles, and Zamy.) Alwight who touched me? (he said crossing his arms.)

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"Uh, sorry Spark. It was me," said Anna. "I didn't know this would happen. I was just trying to help."

Skye walked up to Spark, head cocked.

"Will you be... lwess scwary now Spwark?" he asked


"Aww, but that means I've got no way to improve myself to you Gleny!" said Ziona, slipping back onto his back and hugging him.


Harmony pointed where the part was to go, then rolled the dice. She landed on a 'miss a turn'. "See. Stupid dice!"

(ooc: Sorry locke, I don't like I've got anyone who can visit Locke. Maybe harmony after she and Dylan are finished their game)

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Dylan put the piece in its place and started giggling at where Harmony landed. He rolled a 6 on his first go, landing on a blank square and then passed Harmony on his second landing on a second blank square

(ooc: Oh, is THAT why you kept mentioning your door. I was wondering about that)

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"Stop gigging or I'll start tickling you!" warned Ziona as she rolled the dice, ending up on the same square as Dylan. "Neck and Neck!"

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"You can't tickle me!" Dylan said trying not to giggle and failing. He then rolled the dice getting another six and landing on an add piece square again to which he stuck out his tongue at Harmony

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"And why not?" asked Harmony, sticking out her tongue as well.

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"Because I'm not ticklish!" Dylan replied sticking his tongue out further. It was unclear if he was lying or not

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Harmony was about to counter with 'How would you know' but changed her mind, given Dylan's situation it might upset him again. "Oh, I'm sure you're ticklish somewhere!" she said, wiggling her hands next to her ears.

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Dylan burst out laughing at seeing what Harmony was doing then shook his head

"Nuh uh! Nowhere" he said

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"We'll have to test that!" said Harmony, starting to laugh as well. "But c'mon, choose a piece!" The box was now getting rather empty.

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Dylan held back on giggling some more

"Okay" he said grabbing another piece. "Where does this one go?"

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"Ummmm, right there," said Harmony, glancing at the box.

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Dylan put it in place grinning, then looked up to Harmony waiting for her to go

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(ooc: Looking at the UF Dylan? :P )

Harmony picked up and rolled, landing on another blank square. "Huh."

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(ooc: Looking at the what?

Oh, and changed)

Dylan rolled a 6 and landed on a "take another turn" square. Smiling, he rolled again onto a blank square

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