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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Shadow?" Skye looked up in surprise. "But... but you don't know that. We both could have made it out alive if I'd just been faster, or stronger. If I'd been brave enough to take that assassin on rather than hide."


The Insanity's head whipped round. "No. You gave up Shadow. YOU HAD GIVEN UP!" It turned back to face Dyaln and Locke, only to see Dylan slumped against the wall and Locke gone. "NO! I'm not defeated yet," it would have spoken through gritted teeth, had it been solid. "Melody, KILL THEM ALL! And if you die in the process, so much the better."

(ooc: see you later Dylan.)

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"Darn it Skye will you listen to yourself? No kid your age takes on assassins and lives to tell the tale. Being faster or stronger has nothing to do with it. You were injured and outmatched. I know more than anyone what its like to watch someone you care about die. Giving into guilt won't bring her back Skye. She'd want you to carry on. To live your life. Not to wallow in guilt and insanity."

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after walking for what might have been hours, locke heard another rumble; As he moved toward the noise, he finnally found what he was searching for: Shadow. "Shadow!! shadow!! where is skye?" as he came closer , his answer came by itself: he was right there.

"Skye!! Skye!!" Locke did the last thing any clever echnida would have done: He ran toward the two children, and hugged them both...

"Skye, I'm so sorry, i should have been there, i should have been there faster... What did I told you? What did i told you? No latter what, It's not your fault. You were too young at the time. And right now, it's still the case...As for you melody. No children should have come through what you suffered.. this is why i saved you...So please, stop that, both of you.. A family should not be that broken..."

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(ooc: I'm really sorry Locke)

"I...I... You're both right. I just... I need her to forgive me." Skye turned to face his sister with a hopeful look, which died the moment he saw those jet black eyes.

"Wrong move coming so close, Greybeard," cackled Melody, as she snatch the knife from Skye's backpack and lunged at point blank at Locke.

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(ooc: the canon that penders wrote made locke a badass normal. He gonna take the the knife, but he ain't gonna die)

the knife got right through locke. but it didn't killed him. at all.rather than simply backing away for his life, locke stayed where he was, still hugging the children... blood was starting to fall, but he hanged on.

"a..family...should not..be...broken..at..all..." he hugged them... he didn't care about the knife. he wasn't even mad at melody..." I know it's not your fault melody; so... I forgive you... It's.. merely... a fleshwound... if I could, i'd love you both.. Like my own children... and i know i can.. so please, melody... drop that knife... Don't listen to that voice inside you.. listen.. listen to your brother..." he could handle a knife wound, but it was obvious that it wasn't an ordinary knife.. The pain was here..Yet he didn't care...

He died once to save his only child... He had absolutly no problem dying saving two others...

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"Melody! No!" cried Skye. He tried to pin his sister to the ground, but found himself almost unable to move in Locke's embrace. Instead, he grabbed both of Melody's hands in his. "Please, listen to Locke and me. He's the only family we have now. We grew up together. We played together. Don't throw it away like this."

"I told you Skye, your will cannot match mine. I was always stronger than you." The voice from Melody's voice was a distorted version of Skye's own.

"I won't let you take my sister from me."

"She's already gone Skye. You can't bring her back."

"She's still there in my memories. And this time I'm not gonna fail to save her." With all his willpower, Skye tried to force his memories of Melody to the forefront of his mind, trying to recall what had been lost in the haze. The blackness in Melody's eyes began to recede.

"Skye..." she began weakly.

"Please come back Melody," Skye pleaded to his sister.

(ooc: That's probably my last post for the day. And I'm back to work from tomorrow, Boo! So afraid my posting rate is gonna take a nosedive during the day.

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(ooc: who on earth, work a sunday ? anyway, bye then.)

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(ooc: I work on a farm. We can't take the weekend off.)

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Dylan got up off the floor. The first internal battle had finished. No success then. He picked up the trail of Locke again. Only this time, he could sense that Locke was with others. More for him to fight. Dylan sped off towards where the rest of the group were.

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"that's right..melody...listen, to your brother".... the wound was getting worse. If he didn't stop the bleeding fast, he would loose consiousness...

"shadow... I need.. I need you, to do something for me... We don't have much time.. I need you to heal me .. with your knife....It's simple: you have to cauterize my... wound.."

Locke didn't have much , and he hoped shadow was experienced enough with this kind of field medecine....

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Shadow gave a simple nod and crawled over to Locke. When he got there he once again took off his left ring and gripped the blade of his knife, heating it up. Once it was glowing red hot, he took hold of the hilt and prepared himself. "Locke this is gonna hurt like hell. Get ready." With that he pulled out Melody's knife, steadied his hand and made an incision around the wound, removing a chunk of infected tissue. He ignored Locke's grunts of pain and then put the flat of the blade against the gaping wound, which was soon seared closed. "There, if I had more time I'd have cleaned the wound first. I just hope I didn't give you a death sentence."

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The pain was here, but on the other hand, he wasn't bleeding anymore.

"it's better than nothing shadow. better than nothing; thank you, i owe you one" it was then that locke saw shadow's hand... "what happenned to your hand? It looks eaten up.."

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"No problem. You did save me from angry werehogs. Twice. As for my hand, I had a run in with my own doppleganger and well let's say in hindsight stabbing him was a bad idea. His blood was some acidic junk and well this is the result. Can barely use it now. This better not stay over in the real world, I use righty for everything."

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"even with rouge, heh? but she sure is quite.. the bat, if you know what I mean... Anyways, i still have some bandages, some, let me patch you up " locke used the bandage on shadow.it was effective "now now, much better are we? but make sure not to play another remake of ALIEN with your doppleganger again, for it might hurt even more."

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"Haha. Thanks. I don't think we'll be seeing him for a while. He's pretty burned out. It seems like we've got Insanity on the backfoot. It must be quite depressing to watch your carefully thought out plan crumble before your eyes."

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"I guess so... To be fair, i pity him... to live in such a state, alone...it's almost like a broken mirror of what skye could have been..."

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Exactly. And that's why it must be stopped. If we fail, that's the thing we'll have to deal with.

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"or maybe we'll be left nothing to deal with at all..." llocke shuddered at that idea... "well, it is now our duty to protect these two children... are you up to that task , shadow ?"

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"2 heavily wounded old guys trying to protect 2 scared kids from a being of supreme malevolence? Sure, what are we waiting for?!

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"well, i took down down a god by myself, and you repelled an alien invasion that was apperently carefully prepared for hundreds of years. We can do it."

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Skye was barely aware of the conversation between Locke and Shadow, concentrating fully on his sister and rescuing her from the clutches of his own Insanity.

“Fight it Melody. Come back, please come back,” Skye encouraged.

“I… won’t… let… you… control… me…” Melody’s voice began coming in stronger, only her irises retaining the blackness now.

“You want to hurt Skye, you want to kill him for usurping your place. WHY ARE YOU RESISTING ME?” the Insanity spoke through her.

“My… choice… not… yours…”

“Melody, whatever I’ve done to hurt you, give me a chance to sort it. I will make it right” Skye promised. Melody shuddered and her eye’s returned to their normal blue/green.

A piercing scream echoed around the castle.

“Bah!” This time the voice of the Insanity spoke once again from all around, but now it spoke with screaming rage instead of the earlier mocking tone. “I had hoped to break Skye, but it looks like you’ve forced me to use plan B. If Skye dies, his mind is still mine. None of you will leave alive.”

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"of course, i knew you would do it... EVERYONE, we need to go to the throne room!!! that's where he actually is. let's confront him once and for all.. and once he is down, you'll be free skye. Free to move on..."

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Shadow painfully got to his feet, before helping Locke up. "Throne room, right. Lead the way Skye."

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"I-I... I don't remember the way to the throne room," Skye said, looking downcast.

"I do!" interrupted Melody as she got to her feet.

"Uh.." Skye looked at her confused, "but if you're just part of my memories how can you know the way when I can't remember? Nevermind, we'll follow you."

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