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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Well how else are we gonna take on a lot of monsters? Plus, how do the DEL pull this disappearing act?

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First question: I thought we were rescuing Shadow, and they are not monsters. But okay. Second question: Dawn. Almost everyone is asleep.

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Ok, so we just don't sleep. Used to that. Right, lets go rescue a moody hedgehog.

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There seems to be a fight in the distance. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a few of the more wild werehogs fighting over food, but you never know. By the way, sleeping is fine, but there needs to be a watch.

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hou-freaking-rray... i think i heard someone crying for his life about a knife over there , we should go check it out...

And the DEL huh ? looks like lien-da has been a bad girl, a very bad one... Her father won't be happy to hear about it.

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Actually, if I remember correctly, this zone's version of you gets on well with Lien-Da. Your experiments on Knuckles using chaos powers pleased her and the rest of the DEL. Lets check it out in case that person crying is Shadow. My tracker says he is close by.

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Hey, your a bad guy here! How does that feel?

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Depends on the point of view. In this zone, most people would think of me as the bad guy. If I get time, I may tell you about the DEL and what I said at the council.

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I'm a bad guy huh? interesting... well, there was this story i heard of knuckles ruling a police state with every people not being echidna having a bad time, and kurt-kobain looking sonic trying to fight him in what was an actual darker and edgier version of our world.... but Ian never was clear about this one....

still, does it count as suicide if i kill him ?

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We are not here to kill the people. We are here to rescue Shadow, lets go see if that is him now.

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ok i guess, but if i meet myself, and try to catch me for obvious "scientific experimentations", it's self defence.

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Wait... what? Once we get Shadow, we are out of here. No killing people we don't have to.

*Puts a hood up from cloak*

I don't want to be recognised because that may alert the DEL of my whereabouts.

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(182 new messages from this....can someone give me a brief recap? :blink: )

*re-wakes up alone on Angel Island* .....well this isn't good.

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(ooc: Skye has been given a place in haven by Locke. He is going to live there. Also, Skye, Locke and myself have gone to find Shadow in my zone. For some reason, Shadow brought himself to my zone with his power gone and is being hunted by wild werehogs. We are currently looking to save Shadow. By the way there is a challenge set by Geoffrey. You cannot say the c-word as in c- emerald.

Don't criticise me for this Geoffrey, I am explaining to Knuckles.)

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(ooc: yes, we have been quite.... busy XD but i guess i got into the rp frenzy ; and skye didn't help either XD)

like i said, there won't be killing; merely some shattered bones in the process of having someone beaten up.

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Locke. No unnecessary breaking of bones either. This is not your zone. If you start beating people up for no good reason, you may get a zone cop taking you away.

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Can we stop talking, Shadow could be being eaten as we speak...

Huh, caring about someone. Weird feeling.

(ooc:erm, um sorry for the rp overload guys.)

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Trust is a weird feeling for me kid. You can't trust anyone in this zone. You never know who's side a person is on.

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"speak quietly", I said "self defence", now quiet down, I think i hear something ....

"in his though" trust , eh? the most evident thing in the world, but also the hardest to earn....

(ooc: it's cool, i really liked it :) )

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(May I use the word for it's intended purpose to describe an out of control scene?)

Guess the first person I should look for is father. I should be able to sense him around here somewhere. *Begins to wander off*

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Okay, something is going on with that group of werehogs.

(ooc: I'm really enjoying this, and earlier too. I'm not sure exactly what you mean Knuckles)

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(ooc:when things are getting c"""tix.)

"look at them" well everything seems norma.... oh aurora ... skye don't look at thing "hide skyes eyes" too sexy for the internet.....

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(ooc: Oh, I see. Ask Geoffrey)

That is definitely Shadow there. But I don't understand...

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Hey, If i can't see how can i fight if we're attacked?

(ooc: so young and innocent...)

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We are not being attacked. Locke, any idea what they are doing?

(ooc: Not quite sure what Locke sees they are doing)

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