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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah your rig.... Oh my god... THREE sisters!" gulped Skye.

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"I'm just... feeling a little outnumbered now!" said Skye.

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"Oh. Well, with luck maybe Locke will find another boy to adopt sooner or later"

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"I think our family is big enough already. I'll... just need to make some friends. And quickly," said Skye

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"Your starting to make me worried Skye"

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"Uh, why would that scare you Dylan?" asked Skye, confused. "Wait, are you thinking when I say 'make' I'm meaning like what we're doing with Melody?"

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"That or going about the streets trying to convince passers by to be your friend"

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"Don't worry, I'm not quite THAT desperate!" laughed Skye. "Yet!" he added, making sure his tone was unclear whether he was joking or not.

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"Hopefully never. All of us here are friends"

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"Well, yeah, but... not my age," pointed out Skye.

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"Good point" Dylan said shrugging. "Can't help you there"

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"Yeah. You're right," said Zamy as she winced slightly when she checked herself for anything serious. "I'll live, but we need to clean yours up and get some dressings."

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"Oh , mama...." Glen kissed her.


"Why are you so Curious , hum~?"

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"I sure I'll make some more friends soon," said Skye


"I'm not," said Anna, "You're the one who brought it up."


"Yeah, they sting. Really badly. But..." Miles turned and finished unding the lock. The box sprung open. "I think it might have been worthwhile though," Miles said, smiling despite the pain as he looked at the contents.


Ziona kissed Glen back.

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"Yes, I'm sure you will" Dylan replied

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"Well, I kinda already did. Shame it turned out to be Miles," said Skye.

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"Everything good inside? If so I'll take you back to Haven where we can 'borrow' some of their first aid then we can go look for a place. Don't worry, I'll get you cleaned up soon," ssid Zamy as she put a hand on Miles' shoulder.

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glen enjoyed his little time with Zionna . With the recent events, it was a stroke of luck to even have that.


"Maybe I'm just messing with you ."

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"Well, he isn't the same Miles that either of us expected. But it's nice you two have sorta become friends"

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"What!? No, I wouldn't say that. I meant when he was here in disguise!" objected Skye.


"Yep, it's all here," said Miles, visibly relaxing when Zamy put her hand on his shoulder. "Thank's Zamy. It's probably not as bad as it looks."


"Wouldn't be the first time," commented Anna.


Ziona to was just enjoying her time with Glen.

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"Oh yeah, that. We were all fooled by that Skye. It's not your fault"

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"I know. I just had a friend for a while, then I didn't...."

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"Sometimes friendships don't work out. But that doesn't mean you give up the search. You'll find a true friend soon just as you found Melody again"

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"Oh please, you do have your moment as well."


Locke went back in Melody's room after a little while." Melody."

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