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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Gotcha (Spark said quietly coming out of the tornado) I HAVE TOO (he said right in Miles in front of him throwing a single punch burning about 362F that is filled with anger

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(ooc: So what happened to the charging Anna?)

Dylan got caught by Sparks tornado

"Shut it off Spark!"

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(ooc: Aww, oops... Uh.... Anna landed much further away and is running slower due to being tired, so will arrive in my next post. Unless I forget again!)

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Sparks hits Miles full force. Falling to the ground from exhaustion gets back up staggering towards the tornado. Hold on Dylan I'll get you out just give me a second

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(ooc: Uh, Sparks... You really shouldn't say 'Spark hit's Miles'. That's kinda puppetmastering again. I'm sorry if you were getting impatient for a reply, but as this fight involves practically every player I want most of them to post between mine.)

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I'm sorry I should respect that everyone can't be online all the time and I just get so exited for a reply and sorry for puppet mastering again im just not very good at being patient.

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(ooc: I know. Neither am I! ;) Just try not to do it, even if it is tricky. )

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And now was the time."Sorry honey..." She got back on her feet and behind melody with the dextery of an experienced assassin. With an opening such as this one, she planted her knife Melody's machine . "But My body is mine and mine only."


Glen started to bandage Zionna.


Tikal went against skye.

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Very gently Skye ran his hand through Tikal's dreadlocks.


"See Glen. It was just a scratch," complained Ziona.

Melody tried to duck out of the way of the blow, but before she could do so Red's blade embedded itself. Almost immediately she dropped to the ground, her whole body going limp.

"No, please. Do...n't... I.. c..an...'t..." she managed to say, her voice even more monotonous than usual and her face frozen in a look of shock and horror. "Sk..ye.. I.. wa..nt..ed.. t..o.. s..ee.. yo..u.. a.....g.......a..........i..................n......" She lay there, staring out unblinking at the field.

Seeing Spark's blow, Miles concentrated his lightning shield against the impact zone. The lightning met the fire, causing a surg of energy, for a second everything was quiet, then the energy exploded outwards in a massive shockwave.

Anna, at this point practically at ground Zero, got catapulted back. The younger Miles, guess what was coming, had yelled at Zamy to duck before doing so himself. He glanced up after the shockwave passed and, seeing Anna getting thrown like a ragdoll, ran to try and catch her.

(ooc: Think Sauron going kablooie at the strat of LotR)

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Berry heard Melody's case, being reminded of the fact that Locke said she had issues, "a new name can't change what you are, you being here already proves you live- there is no point to say yourself such when you're an individual. Your elder self and you are different."


Kayl stood at a distance, and thought,"this is sooo messed up."

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"I... I know we're different but.... It's not the first time I've thought about it. I know the name itself won't change anything, but it might... help symbolise me letting go..." said Melody.

(ooc: Kayl has no idea how right she is!)

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"Melody is too nice a name to change. You shouldn't worry, everything us fine "


"You think?" Kayl said to Berry.


"Well, I can try." She said to Kayl.

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"You... really think it's a nice name? That I should keep it?" she asked slowly.

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The shockwave knocked Dylan out of the tornado, across the room and into another wall where he slumped to the ground

(ooc: Whether this is a KO or not depends on whether I can come on again. So dont wait on me)

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Zamy threw herself to the floor and waited foe the shockwave to pass once it had she got back up and shot towards the older Miles.

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"Sorry girl , but in this story , I'd rather think it was you or me ."Said red , before examining the now limp melody. She didn't want any bad surprise after all.


"Skye.... Fox ..... Chocolate ..."Said Tikal sleepily.

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Skye smiled and pulled Tikal a little closer. "You do seem to like that idea," he said quietly.


"Thank you," said Melody, starting to smile.


(ooc: Red wasn't hit by the shockwave? huh.)

Anna found her fall broken by something soft, and looked around to see what it was. She gave a little shocked gasp. "Miles?" The younger fox seemed a little bit dazed.

Inside her head, Melody was screaming, but there were no outside signs, except her body was still breathing and had a pulse. 'No! No! No! I wanted to be free of this numb shell. Now I'm trapped utterly again. I can't move. I can't even speak, can't even blink. I just wanted to see Skye and have a new working body. Father promised he'd get me a new body. And Skye's smart. He could have removed this loyalty chip, then the two of us could have escaped...' she thought to herself.

Miles picked himself off the ground and looked back, to see Red standing over the prone Melody. "NO! MELODY!" he shrieked. "I'll make you pay for that. You'll all pay!"

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Seeing Miles was distracted Zamy shot towards him at a much greater speed than before. This plan would probably go horribly wrong, but it wasn't like she had much choice.

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Berry smiled back, "seems your elder self is losing, as Kayl told me. Also, Anna had a different name?"

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Dylan slowly got up. But he was still dizzy from Spark's tornado so fell down again. He was also in pain all over the place but it didn't stop him from getting up again. He got himself ready to try and tackle Miles

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Spark stood up stumbling from the blast of electricity he looked around just if there was any fire from the lightning but there wasn't any so he walked towards the tornado he created and put one little flame in it and watched it turn into a Flamenado the jumped in.

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"I'm a bit confused if I should be happy or not that I'm losing," said Melody. "And, yeah, Anna used to be called Mina." She sighed. "It's all kinda weird and there's time travel involved and... Well I can try to explain the whole story if you want," Melody offered.


Miles dropped to all fours, but it didn't seem to be from pain or exhaustion. He began channeling energy, then the whole area started to shake.

"Miles, are you alright?" asked Anna, trying to help him up, then both toppled over with the tremors.

'What if they stop Father and leave me for dead,' thought Melody. 'I could be left to die slowly from starvation, unable to do anything.'

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Spark finished eating the flames in the tornado the poked his head out watching Anna and Miles fall.) Great (spark flew towards Anna and Miles. Need a lift?

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