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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well let Spark take us Dylan. It'll be safer until we know out way around."


"I'll be right back," said Anna as she ran off. It didn't take her long to reach the infirmary.

"THERE you are," exclaimed Melody. "What took you so long? Did Miles put up a fight when they took him away?"

"Actually, Miles is still here..." began Anna.



"I'm guessing you want to head back right now to hand in your recommendation? Or would you rather stay here to be on hand if Miles needs you?" Ziona asked Zouge.

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(ooc; Okay. Catch you later Spark)

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"Yeah, good idea"

(ooc: See you tomorrow then)

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"Okay. Will do," said Ziona with a nod. "Thanks for you time."

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"Don't say that to crowley anna, he might get jealous." joked glen.


"well, now that you seems more awake, I can tell you...." started Locke.

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Melody glanced between Locke and Anna. "Great timing! I hope you ain't gonna spoil the surprise," Melody complained.

"I just wanted to know if there was any spare mattresses for Miles to sleep on," said Anna quietly.


"I get the feeling Crowley may actually be relieved," said Ziona.

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"Somehow I get the feeling he wants to wring Miles' neck for the kidnapping. I doubt he'll be overjoyed to hear of him receiving beneficial treatment," said Zamy.

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"I thought he'd be happy if Anna eased off from him, but I suppose, given what Miles has done he wouldn't be happy with her choice," pondered Ziona.

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"think anna is trying to make crowley jealous?"


"the spare matress are over there."

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"Thank's Dad," said Anna.

"Anna, why is Miles still here?" asked Melody.

"Ah, well, um.. you see... Hope jabbed him with some nasty serum back at the base, and, well, it's made him a normal fox."

"By normal you mean...?"

"He can't fly anymore. He's only got one tail now."


Ziona shook her head. "No... or at least, I doubt that's her primary motivation here."

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"In any other world it might have worked for them. But on Moebius..." commented Ziona

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"Even know though.... The way she was concerned for him, you might not want to rule it out. I guess it depends on Crowley in a way."

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"I suppose it does. Though personly I think once he finds out about Miles that'll be the end of it."

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"The end of Anna and Crowley's friendship, the end of Miles, or both?"

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"IIt's a bad day only getting worse it seems... even the best outcome ends up bittersweet in the end."


Locke stopped himself, Melody was already busy with Anna.after all.

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"The end of any chance of her being in a relationship with Crowley. Given it seems she's the one taking an interest, he'll probably just keep doing what he already is."

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"I've... no idea how I should feel about this," said Melody slumping down on the bed. "I would offer to help but..."

"It's okay, I've got this," said Anna in a muffled voice from under the mattress. "You just concentrate on getting better."

"Yeah..." murmured Melody in reply as Anna left the infirmary with the mattress.


"That's life," muttered Ziona to Glen. "And I don't think she has any romantic interest in Miles right now. More just very concerned friend."

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"No matter what it is, it's still happenning."


Locke went out to go and search soome books for melody.

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Melody tried to push herself up on the bed, but didn't quite have the strength.

"Dad?" she asked, looking around, only to she he'd left.


"Either way, the sooner it's resolved the better," said Ziona as Anna appeared with the mattress.

"Whoof, these things are heavier than they look," she muttered.

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"As if it wasn't a proof that she cares about him."


Locke came back shortly after."Books."

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"Wow, thank's Dad! Uh, erm... could you help prop me up a bit?" asked Melody sheepishly.


"You needed proof?" asked Ziona.

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