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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Neither is drinking a dog's toiletry habits even if it is lava"

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"I think I saw some blanket over there..." said Glen.


"Well things."

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Ooohhhhh, sorry Guys I'm still getting used to the ways of life here.

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"Don't worry. Better doing it here than in public. We can teach you about what to do too"

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"I'm sure someone can give you basic lifestyle classes," said Skye. "Erm, anyone her a parent and knows how to cover this stuff?"


"What kinda things.... Are you planning on saying by my side until I'm walking again?" asked Melody.


"Thanks Glen," said Anna as she went to pick up the blanket, and placed it over Miles. "You wouldn't take him for an evil schemer," commented Anna as she looked at the sleeping Fox.

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"I'm not a parent but I'd be happy to help. But I'd be happier if I wasn't alone in doing it"

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I used to have a sister does that count. Wait ohh you talking about me

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"You 'had' a sister?" asked Skye

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Yah I did but she's gone now(spark says with watery eyes.

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Skye goes up to Spark and hugs him tightly. "I know exactly how you feel," the fox cub said.

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"You'll see on time."


"Yeah, you wouldn't..."

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"Are you planning something Dad?" asked Melody slightly suspicious.


Anna picked up the book and photo where they'd fallen from Miles hand and put them next to him on the bench, the sat on the ground next to him.

Ziona came into the cell next to Zouge. "What did you make of him?" she asked quietly.

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Ill be fine. She was adopted but sadly she died before I met Locke and you guys.(he says wiping the tears away

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"If... if there was someway I could bring her back for you, believe me I would do it," said Skye, also tearful.

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"He seems to want to change on some level. I think the key might be in his memory loss. If we can get his memories back hopefully he'll reform," quietly replied Zouge.

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That would be cool if you could actually do it but you can't no one can.(still sad

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Skye's unhappy look turned to one of extreme guilt. "It's not fair," he murmured to himself. "Maybe it could work again..."

(ooc: FYI: Sparks, Melody was dead at the start of the RP! This has been a weird game!)


"From what I gathered his missing memories are more... normal, happy family life, so you could have a good strategy there," whispered back Ziona. "I suspect you might need to be quick, before the shock of what's happened wears off and his willingness to change slips away."

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"Then again, after what happenned, he might wind up shocked for life. or willing to get even with Despair..."


"I might be planning something."

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"Oooh. Will I need to wait a long time to find out?" asked Melody with a trace of excitement.


"It will need to be a delicate process," commented Ziona.

Anna looked up at the group. "So, when will... whatever will happen to him happen?" she asked.

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(Me) alright thanks

Hmph, why does happiness have to come with sadness.

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"I-I-I... I don't want t-to get your hopes u-up Spark, but there may be a way to g-get your sister back. It worked for M-melody."

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"There was... There was an echo of Melody in my head after she died," Skye explained. "A memory, but somehow more than that at the same time. And GUN, the people Shadow works for, have a way of taking people out of someone's head. It brought Melody back but..." Skye broke off and gulped.

"She's... she's more of a copy than really my sister. She is slightly different. And the process almost didn't work. That echo of her was almost too weak. But if there is a similar echo of your sister inside your head...."

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There is but it's more of a record playing over and over.

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