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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You can't change what I've done. Just take me home," said Skye.


Melody gave a whimper, then started crying silently while Anna tried to comfort her.


"As we tried to tell you," said Ziona to Glen. She turned back to Zamy. "Can we teleport Hope while she's in her bubble?"

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"Then let's just do it."Said Glen."It's a goodbye then, As I know you'll be back..."


"Now don't feel sad. Everything will turn out alright."Said Sabre.


Locke said Nothing."Let's get you to your sister. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

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"You take Glen, I'll take the prisoners and Shadow," said Zamy to Ziona as she teleported them to Moebius.

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Skye nodded and held onto Locke.


"How can it," whined Melody. "What about Mom? Is she alright?"


Ziona nodded and grabbed Glen. "Let's get out of here," she said as she teleported.

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Locke tighly held Skye in his arms and left the place.


"She'll be fine. just a minor blood loss."


"Yeah, let's go...."

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Zamy and her group landed safely on Moebius. She then looked around for the others, only seeing Hope and Rouge.

"Where did everyone go?" she asked them

"Melody and 'anti-me' were injured and Dylan took them out of here," explained Rouge.

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Skye shut his eyes, not wanting to open them.


Melody gave a sigh of relief. She tired to move of to Red, but of course was unable to.

"Anna, uh, could you help me over to Mom?" she asked.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to stay in the bed?" Anna replied.


"It looks like things were worse than I thought here," said Ziona as she arrived.

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"A lot worse. Two of our charges are injured. Can you see Skye anywhere?" said Zamy as Shadow made his way over to Rouge and Hope.

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"No I can't. Nor Locke either. He was trying to deal with Skye when I left. So that's either a good thing or really, really bad. Maybe Hope or Rouge can tell us what happened." said Ziona.

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"I don't know, I was too busy being knocked back by Skye's magic, and then my focus turned to Hope when she tried to look after Melody," Rouge explained.

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"What happened to Melody?" asked Ziona. "Where is she and Anna?"

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"She lost feeling in her legs and Dylan took her out of here. Anna went as well, but she was unhurt," explained Hope.

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"Poor girl. And if Skye comes to his senses I doubt he'll take the news well. Where did Dylan take her?" asked Ziona

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"Should we all head there then. The may have facilitates to hold these two until the Cops can arrange a proper pick-up," suggested Ziona

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"Perhaps. Though we'll need to make it abundantly clear they're our prisoners not theirs," said Zamy.

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"If there's any issues we can always use custody of the children as leverage," whispered Ziona

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"Yes, let's. I think we'll need to start dealing with the fallout from this."

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Zamy activated her teleporter and teleported everyone to Haven.

"Now to find a cell," she said to herself.

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"I think I saw them down there when I was here earlier," said Ziona. "And there are maps as well."

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Locke was back in haven , carrying Skye."It's over skye. We are home."


"I think You deserve a drink Ziona."said Glen."As long I get one too. Just to make sure you don't go overboard..."


Sabre was still busying himself with Red's health.

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"Perhaps you didn't notice, but Ziona and I are still on duty," said Zamy as she looked at the map.

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"Mom... And Sis... are they okay?" asked Skye, eyes still squeezed shut.


"Can you at least get my bed closer then?" Melody asked Anna.

"I, uh, don't think they move."


Ziona looked tempted but shook her head. "No. I can't do that Glen," she replied.

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