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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Realizing that Hope wasn't faking, Melody started tearing up, wringing her hands together.

"I'm so sorry Hope," she called after her friend. She turned back to Locke.

"Dad... I'm sorry, I should'a told you sooner. Butbutbut.... I was scared you wouldn't let me do anything fun with Hope ever again... But now that's Hope's hurt...."

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"Melody... Don't cry." Said Locke."Hope is your friend . I wouldn't even think about taking you away from her ! That would be the worse thing to do .... Don't be sad , alright ? Now , tell me exactly what happenned , and we'll get you both back inthe hotel so you can have some rest ... If you don't want to crash Anna's party, I'll just say that you two girl were tired by today's events and running around ."

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Kayl looked at that thing, "It... is beautiful! Probably the best thing of future"


Berry was shocked, "w...wa...war? That's bad."

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Melody nodded, trying to choked back her sobs.

"We... we don't want to spoil Anna's night. But Hope and I... we... were actually weren't being quiet tonight. We don't know how it happened, but somehow... we can hear each others thoughts..." Melody confessed.


"You have no idea," murmured Ziona

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Berry felt sad, since she hated wars herself, "It is okay- everything happens for a reason they say."

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Hope had an angry look on her face, having 'heard' what Melody said.

"Shadow, she just blabbed about the telepathy. I refuse to be scrutinised by Locke of all people, so if he tries or suggests anything, get me out of here," she whispered, to which Shadow nodded.

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When Melody 'heard' Hope's whispered outburst, she couldn't stop herself crying anymore, and sank to her knees.

"I'm sorry Hope. I'm so sorry. I didn't know what to do..." she sobbed, both aloud and in her head.


Ziona was about to snap back at Berry's comment, but stopped herself. Instead she simply muttered 'Maybe'.

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"I see."Said Locke."I guess you do are Skye's sister after all..." He smiled ."I suppose what's happening is That Hope is simply getting used to this ... well... power ... Forgive my lack of better words. I'm not good with this kind of thing unfortunaly , But Once the party is over, go and see Skye . He should help her get used to everything ... Alright ?" He gave her a hug."You aren't a bad girl , it was jst something you couldn't expect. Now you can tell her she is safe and I won't try anything funny with her ."


"It's not really beautiful girl... It's just a grenade ... It was already out centuries ago. Heck the echidna weren't that uncivilised twenty years ago."

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Suddenly some one knocked the door saying, "room service!"

"I will get that."


"But, this is an amazing weap- ah...uh... just remember... I like weapons. Go on"

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"To be fair , it's not as beautiful as you. And it wouldn't be an easy feat anyways."Said Glen.

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"Is it? Well, indeed I don't think of weapons in that way, but, I like it. So, I think, it's pretty simple."

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"Huh... I was just saying that you were cute, that's all." Said Glen.

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"Soooo....we're using that?" asked Rancor


Astraea pauses as the group nod and follow on.

"Umm....exactly how cold are we talking?"

"What are you warm blooded?" Kali laughes as he then sees Astraea put her head down.

"Oh right. That would actually make sense." he thinks for a moment as to how he can help her.

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"Yes, we are using that.."Said Glen ."Take cover, I'm throwing it ." As he did so, He dived for cover, hoping his two friends would do the same.


"I see we have someone not used to cold environment ."Said Spectre."Fear not , We have coat and other warm clothes to protect you from any kind of frostbite."

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Rancor dives out the way as Glen throws the grenade.


Astraea pouts as the group moves on into the tundra.


Trigun makes it up North as he looks around at his environment.

"This doesn't look like it holds anything at all." he says as he slowly begins to realize his foolishness. He bellows loudly, cracking the ground underneath him as he liquefies once more and changes course.

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"If only I could see the face of our dear... 'friend' right now." Said Spectre."Ah, it would have lightened up my day. but well. Things are as they are. Moving on. And don't worry dear, you can have this coat for now." Said Spectre as he gave Astraea a warm coat.


The flash blew up right on time."Alright, now action !" Shouted glen as he put himself in firing position.

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Kayl grabbed Max as Rancor got rid of the guard.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Max shouted.

"Just thank your lucky stars you're alive."Kayl said, angry.

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Melody nodded in Locke arms.

"Yes Dad. I'll do that," she replied, then slowly walked over to where Hope was.

"H-hope?" she asked, sounding even more shy and nervous than Anna.


"Sure thing," replied Ziona, managing to smile again.

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"Alright, now we get out of here fast." Shouted Glen.

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"You look so nice when you smile." Berry said, innocently.


"But... shall we take Rancor with us?"

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Melody chocked back another sob at Hope's tense replied.

"Hope.. I... I'm sorry... I just.. I panicked. I though you were... But Dad promised to leave you alone... But he did suggest... We talk to Skye. Maybe that's a good idea. He's dealt with crazy stuff before. He could help find a way to stop your headache?" Melody said, her lower lip quivering.


"Why, thank you," replied Ziona, basking in the compliment.

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"My headache is a side effect of the teleportation. So it's either going to get better, or get worse. Until I know which there's little anyone can do but ensure I have pain killers available. Though perhaps he could help dampen the telepathy until I've worked out what exactly caused it."

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"Yeah, let's take him too." Said glen, grabbing rancor.


Locke sat back to his chair.

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