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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Locke was looking at melody and Hope for a while..... Since the end of the afternoon they were both quite calms..."Hope, Melody, may I talk to you two for a moment ? it's important." Asked Locke .

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"Yeah, sure Dad," said Melody.

'He doesn't know about the mind thing does he?' thought Melody worriedly. 'Or worse... the milkshakes?'

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Locke took them a bit away from everyone else."So now tell me, what's happening? The both of you have been awfully calm for a good part of the afternoon. Did something bad happenned ?" he asked, a bit upset.

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"What? No, nothing bad has happened at all Dad! Why would being calm be bad?" asked Melody

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Locke looked at both girls with an upset look."I think something happenned. I can feel it. call that a father's instinct.... but I think it was something bad. You are usually so full of life melody. And you hope... well, quite talkative about many subjects... but here, nothing. not a single word. As if you were both locked in your own little worlds.... please children, tell me. I won't get mad at you.'" said locke.

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'Should we tell him, or should we make something up?' thought Melody.

"You mean I'm not full of life? I thought I was!" she said aloud.

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"I'll make something up with a grain of truth in it." thought Hope.

"I just think it could be a combination of the depressing nature of Moebius, at least for me, lingering about, and the fact that I think the teleporter did something, because I've had headaches that come and go since I used it earlier. Nothing serious, they just mean I don't feel like talking much as I don't want to aggrevate them," she said aloud.

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"I ...see..." said Locke sadly." Are you sure it isn't about something else ?Something involving...alcohol?"

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"No... What makes you say that Dad?" asked Melody

'HE KNOWS! HOW COULD HE KNOW!' Melody screamed in her head.

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"He doesn't know it was us. He's probably just wondering why the level in one of the bottles went down."

"I got Shadow a tiny bit for Rouge at one point to help with her pain, but that's it. Go ahead and ask him if you want."

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"I see.... thing is. I haven't saw shadow in the kitcheen for quite a while... Did you both bring him the bottle ?" Asked Locke.

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"We also went in to show something I taught Hope."

'You don't mind me bringing up your magic do you? It's a better out than the alcohol or mind reading one.' asked Melody

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"Let's go find something to do guys." said Dr.Finitevus

Crabmeat, Dimitri, and Zaugus agree it;s time to get out of the lab.

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"Hmm, clever of you." Astraea says with a smirk. "So where are we actually going?"

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"I see" Said Locke."So, you are sure you just brought his the bottle right?"


"Where are we going?" Said Spectre."It's simple.Near the country of Mercia, exist an island, covered in eternal snow, and whoses volcano is still active. That's where we are going.This place can be so cold,that at time, we get iceberg around."

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"Y-yes, that was all.." said Melody.

(ooc: Why did I make Melody a bad lier...)

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"Don't consider a career in espionage," thought Hope as she clutched her head and winced in pain.

"Well as far as side effects of teleportation go this could be a lot worse," she said aloud.

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'I'd be fine as long as I didn't get caught,' thought Melody. 'But it would be safer if I didn't do a pretend headache as well.'

"Are... Are you sure you're alright Hope?" asked Melody.

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Locke was now even more upset. it was obvious that they were hiding something from him."You haven't anything reprehensible right ?" he ask."I wouldn't Red to be upset too.... Don't worry, i won't tell anything to anyone."

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Melody desperately fought the urge to wring her hands together.

'We...we have to tell him something Hope... I can't stand lying to my Dad. If we tell him about the link, that'd explain everything without the need form trouble!' she thought.

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"I agree, but who says I'm pretending? And I'm not admitting anything to him." thought Hope.

"No we haven't done anything. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get a glass of water," said Hope through gritted teeth as she made her way back to her seat. Shadow saw her in pain and asked what was wrong.

"My head. I think the side effect of the teleporter doesn't like being used so much, but Melody's fine," she replied.

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"Melody, please. it's obvious your friend is not alright , and so are you." Said Locke, looking more and more upset at the minute."What is going on? I won't be mad at you, It's a promise."

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