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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Nope!)

Miles looked surprised at Red sentimentality. "And what happens to me?" he asked, looking around.


"It's not you fault, it's mine," replied Anna, sounding surprised at her own words. "I have hadn't stayed this wouldn't have happened. I should have left."

"Don't say that. Don't ever say that," begged Melody.


"Would you rather have him free to roam and try again?" asked Ziona.

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"If you left you'd be giving yourself a death sentence. Besides, you have a family, a life here. The spanner in the works was Miles, and he's subdued and soon to be arrested. Things got a lot worse, so that means they should be getting better now."

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"I... don't know Miles ."Said Red."If we let you go, you might try something again... and If we send you to jail, aurora may know what the inmate would do to you.... especially in a no-zone jail." She sighed."So, I don't know, really..."


"Both option aren't possible , and you know that Zionna..." Said Glen.

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(ooc: What? This conversation is so strange)

Dylan just stood. All the smooth talk from Red to Miles was just annoying him so he wasn't paying any attention

(ooc: Yeah! 500 pages! Woo!)

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"Look Glen," said Ziona. "This is different from Skye. Skye was actually sorry for what he did, and was facing a life sentence. Miles, if he's ever been sorry he doesn't seem to be about this. Besides, the only charge against him is trespassing. I doubt we can hold him for more than a couple of months. But that may be long enough for him to calm down."

Ziona spoke into her radio, and a few moments later three Zone cops appeared. Miles looked around at them.

"Looks like the choice has been made for you," said Miles.


"I... I understand Shadow," said Anna, but she still looked upset. Melody held her tightly.


"Yeah Sis?"

"You're crushing me!"

"Oh! Sorry." Melody loosened her grip.

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"skye.." Said Locke Quietly.


"I'm sorry Miles." Said Red."But I suppose...There is no turning back now, right?"


"I can't say anything Zionna... It's not my job."Said Glen."It's someone else's . And I doubt it's fun everyday."

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"It's hardly ever fun these days," said Ziona. The other cops surrounded Miles and snapped a collar round his neck. Anna looked towards Miles. Miles reached towards her and let out a plea-filled 'Mina' as he and the Zone cops were teleported away.


"Yes Dad?" asked Skye, looking up at Locke, his eyes still partially stained black.

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"Good riddance," thought Shadow as he picked up Rouge.

"Do you want a lift back to the hotel or are you waiting here a while?" he asked Melody and Anna.

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"And I doubt it's going to change..." Said Glen."This kid won't last 3 day Zionna, you know that. A prison isn't a place for a kid...."


Locke looked at Skye's eyes."Are you alright?"

(Ooc:INB4 possession.)


Red walked toward Shadow, and gave him a slap. She then walked away toward Crowley, where she got in his arms, not saying a single word.


Just at that time, Lara-lee finaly got in the place of the fight."Wha-what happenned here?" She said, still panting.

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Crowley let go of Red and walked away before teleporting back to his room. He wanted no further part of this. Shadow glared at Red, but still waited for the girls' response.

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As crowley let go of her . She fell on her knees. She never ever felt that cold in her life.... She could only watch as he left...

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Crowley appeared in his room and exhaled before grabbing a drink from his mini fridge. Red's revelatiin was something he could have done without.

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Dylan was about to teleport back to the hotel. But then he stopped

"Um... I think we may have a problem. All thats just happened didn't go unnoticed" he said pointing to a crowd of people watching

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lara-lee looked at Dylan."Well.. I guess we have to fin a way to make them leave then." She said."I don't think any of the people left here are in state to handle this kind of interview right now..."

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Skye shook his head. "No I'm not. I lost control. I... thought I was better than that. Can we go back now, please?"


"I think we should..." Melody was about to say 'go', but looking around, she changed her mind.

"Anna. Talk to Mom. I think she needs a hand. I, uh, think I'll try and talk to the crowd. Think they'll fall for 'impromptu street acting?'" she asked.

Anna nodded, stood up slightly shakily, and walked over to Red.

"Mom, are you alright?" she asked, kneeing down next to her and catching Red's hand.


"Maybe, but I didn't hear any other suggestions," said Ziona bitterly.


Miles found himself roughhoused and shoved by the guards as he was led into the No-Zone prison. His foot was patched up, but that was the only positive thing about the experience. But as the processing continued, a smirk appeared on his face.

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"Sure it's worth a shot. If that doesn't work I'll flash my badge and tell them there's nothing to see here."

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"I suppose no one expect this kind of thing to happen...." Said Glen."Or they just don't care..."


Red looked at anna."No Anna, I'm not. And I won't be for a long while." Said Red."The whole ordeal brought back memories. Painful memories."


"Yes Skye, We can go if you want." Said Locke.

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"Yeah, I need... I just need some peace and quiet for a bit... and Tikal," said Skye.


"A better idea might be teleport back, grab Mina, and get her to perform a song or two to distract the crowds," Melody whispered. She walked forwards, faced the crowds, shaking slightly. She took a deep breath, then addressed them in a strong voice.

"I hope you enjoy our little performance. I must apologise that some of our special effects malfunctioned, but the issue will soon be taken care of. We hope you enjoy the rest of the wonderful day here."


Anna embraced Red. "It'll be okay. Those memories never happened now. They can't hurt you any more."


"I doubt anyone thought this far ahead," said Ziona. "I should have seen it coming, but didn't."


Miles was beginning to have seconds thoughts about his plan. Even for a Moebian, there were some lines that shouldn't be crossed. Some things that even they balked at. Part of his mind ideally slipped into was Red had said. Not just about moving on, but about the other part. Her interest in him. After all, the younger Red was quite...

He shook his head. No, he couldn't given up on Mina. He'd do anything to be with her. Even this. And now he had an idea of the mistakes the future could hold, he could avoid them so he and Mina could be happy together forever.

He entered the canteen, and taking his tray made his way over to a table with a single occupant. Even here, powerless, there were some people that no one messed with. And this was one of them. Miles sat down opposite, making sure there was no one overhearing.

"Hello Robotnik. I've a proposition for you," said Miles. He looked steadily at the girl called Hope opposite him.

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"Well it seems to have worked for most of them," said Shadow.


Hope Robotnik looked up from her meal and cast an eye over Miles; she was unimpressed. "Such a pathetic specimen. Why should I listen to you?"

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"Good thing to. I don't even want to think about what would happen if no one bought it"

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"We should still clear out quickly, before any more questions get asked," suggested Melody to the others.


Miles smiled. This was actually going better than he'd expected, given her reputation.

"I can give you three reasons to begin with. First, I sabotaged my collar before it was activated, so it's only half effective. That can give me a chance to escape, with help. As for the other two reasons...." Miles leaned in closer. This was a chance to get rid of the person he hated, and the one threatening to steal Mina's heart from him.

"Two 'ultimate lifeforms'. The Prime Shadow and his Moebius counterpart are practically bunking together. I can lead you to them, and help you... requisition them for your experiments."

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"Good idea Melody," replied Shadow as he walked over to Skye, hoping he could take everyone back with him in one sweep. "Dylan, your teleporter still good to go?"


Hope thought for a moment. This did sound too good to be true. "Two ultimate lifeforms? That is an enticing offer, but I fail to see how you could possibly subdue them. And what would you want in return?"

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