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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: and here we go again, just like the madhouse in skye's mind.... This Time with glen and the soongoose as guest !)

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(ooc: Be pleased you don't have a werehog chasing you around again)

Because of the fog, Dylan saw no need to be watching, so he kept the radio on in case anyone tried to get in contact, then turned around to see the others

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(ooc: Well, Glen has a sociopathic songoose with him...)

"I think... I think I can hear her ahead..." Skye said, almost exhausted from the speed he was traveling at.


Crowley slowing his pace was all the copy Melody needed. The real Melody looked up pleadingly. "Don't.. please.. don't.."

"That's the best you could come up with?" sneered the copy. She kicked Melody square in the face, causing her to loose her grip on the cliff edge.


"Oof," Mina buckled slightly as Glen jumped on. "I wasn't meaning like that, but it'll do." She picked up the pace and started running.


"I know but, it's like being scared by a nightmare. I know this is not real, and so far it hasn't done anything really scary, but..."

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Crowley teleported to the edge of the cliff, outstretching his hand to Melody. With his free hand he went to sweep her copy's leg.

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(Could be worse .)

"Well that was the only way I though that left you hand free ." Said Glen.


"If it's not , I'm affraid it might try to do so eventually..." Said Tikal. "Just look at Glen... this place was terrible."


Red was done recovering data when some other robot came in the Room. She took care of them. But she also knew that the more robot she would destroy, the easier she would be spottable.

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Dylan went over to Locke

"Is she going to be all right?"

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Locke looked at dylan. "I hope so.Or else , it's going to be a very bad morning for me."

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Melody lashed her arm out and caught Crowley's, but in her panicked state she couldn't do much more than repeat "Please don't let me fall," over and over again.

Her copy leapt out of reach as Crowley tried to knock her off balance. She drew her knife and smirked slightly, as the fog swirled around her, obscuring her from view.

"You've left yourself and Hope vulnerable there. All to save little Melody? Do you actually care that much about her? Perhaps you should reconsider not getting together with their mother now. Looking into their heads I think both Skye and Melody would prefer you as their father than their real one," the copy spoke, trying to distract Crowley as she weaved through the fog. The thick mist distorted her voice making it difficult to tell her position, when she suddenly rush at Crowley, blade aimed at his back.

Skye rushed through the fog to where he could hear his sister's voice. Only to see his sister attacking Crowley.


"I was planning to drop you if I needed my hands," Mina replied.


"I know, I feel really sorry for..." Ziona words were cut off and the bunker began to shake as something battered into from above. She screamed and clasped onto Tikal.


"Doctor, we've located a hacking attempt and a further deactivated Egg Pawn on deck 5." reported Orbot

"Seal off that deck and flood it with the knockout gas. I'm too close to fail now!" Eggman ordered

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"Oh great, now what's happening?" Dylan said out loud when the shaking began

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"Don't worry. I won't let that happen Melody," replied Crowley as he pulled her up onto the cliff. His body had slightly moved, so while he wasn't directly struck in the back, the knife embedded itself in his arm. He barely seemed to notice it, and turned to face the copy, a twisted smile on his face as he gripped her forearm like a vice.

"Is that really the best you can do?"

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(ooc: The kids might let his emotion get the better of him . Or might it not be the case?)

Locke tensed the second the bunker started to shake."so, it begin..."


Tikall held on to Zionna , hoping to calm her down. But with what was happening around, it was a less than easy task.


The deck she was in was starting to get closed . She had to move fast ... or think of another way . Red once again used the shadow as a way of moving unseen. They knew she was here , but not exactly where .That would be their downfall.


"Aww , that's really cute." Said Glen."Good thing I choose to stay on the back then."

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(ooc: Umm, why am I the only one summoning evil dreams? Anyone else wanna get in on the fun?)

Skye looked started for a second when he saw two of his sisters, but he quickly worked out who was the real one and rushed to her side. Melody was curled up and shaking when Skye reached her.

"Its okay Melody. Melody?" Skye's eyes flashed with anger and his faced the copy. "What did you do to her?" he demanded

The copy smirked in reply. "Nothing she hasn't gone through before, baby brother. And Crowley, that may be my best effort, but I'Mnot the one YOU need to worry about."


"Yeah, it makes you harder to throw off if I need to move fast. Darn it, where did everyone go? They were just ahead of us."


Ziona hung on tighter. her eyes were shut, but she opened one a crack and glanced at the shaking ceiling.


"Order all Egg Pawn's on deck 5 to search for the intruder," Eggman shouted as he approached the grapple controls. "And if they don't find anything, seal off every deck!"

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(ooc: Good point)

Part of the roof inside the bunker collapsed and down came a group of werehogs. Legionised werehogs. To make matters worse, the roof collapsed in front of the door, blocking the exit

"Great," Dylan said quietly

(ooc: Not that original but something Dylan hoped to not face)

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( Ooc: because what I did with Glen was totally not nightmarish .)

" Why would ever want me to leave ?" Joked glen."But i can always let go if needed ... as for the others, I heard something on our right."


"Hush zionna. It's nothing but a bad dream" Said Tikal. While it's true that she would have been scared had things been different , she had to show Zionna the way.

(Ooc: In the heat of the moment , I wonder if Our foxy cop is going to instinctly turn back...)


Red made it out of the deck without being seen . But she wasn't out of trouble yet, far from it .

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"Ready to take a dive? Be sure to do a flip for the judges," taunted Crowley as 3 figures appeared in the mist. The first was a large bear shuffling forwards, it's head flopping about as its neck was broken.

"I'm certain I killed you," said Crowley.

Next was a fox, a large hole in it's torso, though there were no organs, bones or blood. It walked much more steadily than the bear.

"And you...,"

Finally there was a hedgehog. It's top half looked normal, but it's lower half was nothing but a skeleton. Crowley raised his eyebrow.

"Don't know who you are," he muttered.

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"Told you," said Melody's copy in a sing song voice. Skye glanced at the newcomers while cradling his sister.

"Crowley, who are they?"


"Then let's go."

(Occ: I've an idea for what Mina's nightmare might be, but can put that aside if you have plans for Glen.)


Ziona screamed and and tried to moved further under the desk.

(ooc: maybe, but it wouldn't be much use against a were-hog)

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(Ooc: Go on. My plan are already done .)

"Aren't we are already ?" Asked Glen.


"Zionna ! Stay calm ! They cannot hurt you!" Shouted Tikal."You must not let them any control on you!"


Locke was already waiting for the unlucky Werehog to make their move.

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"Those 2 are people I was hired to assassinate. Skeletron over there I don't recognise."

The hedgehog stepped closer with an angry look in its eye.

"You knocked me into a vat of chemicals while chasing my boss," it said.

"Oh yes NOW I remember," Crowley cheerfully replied.

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"And now if you don't mind," the Melody copy faded from sight the reappeared next to Skye and Melody. "I've an impostor to deal with."

Skye stood between the two Mongooses. "I'm not gonna let you." The copy just grinned.


"I was meaning... wait..." The fog faded and there were in the middle of a small village. "What the %£$*?"

(ooc: I'm not so sure of my idea now, it is kinda a combo of Melody's and Crowley's nightmare)


"I know, I know... but they seem so real!"

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"That's no good ." Said Glen."And I bet it's an understatement...."


"I understand ." Said Tikal."But in that case , you have to find a way to fight back ..."

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Crowley strolled up to his undead targets and circled them, unsure of how to deal with them. Suddenly the bear grabbed ahold of him and started to slowly crush him as he struggled.

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"Really? So willing to die for a mere copy. Why don't you just cast her completely away. You've already started now you have Tikal."

Melody looked at her brother, with a new look of fear.


"Wait, I know this place. I grew up here," murmured Mina.


"I can't fight them. Even if I was grown-up again, I couldn't fight them."

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Dylan had been slowly backing away back to the radio

"We have a slight problem down here," Dylan started saying through the radio. "So we may be offline for a while. Backup would be appreciated if you can spare it. If not carry on"

Then some of the werehogs pounced, two towards Dylan, two towards Locke and two towards Tikal and Ziona

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"You grew up there? " Said Glen."I think it's not that place. I think lt's more a .... Darn, look over there..."


"Zionna, you have the power to fight back! " Said Tikal, until the werehog attacked. "Zionna!" She pushed her out of the way, but she wasn't so Lucky .


Locke easily avoided the pounce. But He could not simply fight there , He had to get them as far as they could from Red.

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Shadow saw his Moebian counterpart struggling to break free. As he was about to jump in to aid him the ground beneath him opened up and he fell into a chasm. Shadow slammed against the cold rock as the ground above him closed back up. He was in total darkness, and certainly not alone down there.

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