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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Don't worry people , we got new objectives ... so it says .... oh aurora ."


"I guess you are in for another ride with me then . Here , get on my back. I'm quite good at carrying peoples around on my back or arms."

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"New objectives? They can't be that hard," said a cocky Hope.

After painstaking work, Shadow's job was complete. He presented the replicas of the Master Emerald to Rouge, one lifesize, one to scale.

"They're wonderful Shadow," she said as she put the scale one on the bedside table.

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"So is it smash a giant robot to pieces or outrun an exploding bomb?" Melody asked.


Ziona pulled herself onto Glen's back, trying not to put any weight on her foot. "But once we get to the hotel, I'm walking."

(ooc: Master Emerald replicas? Lol. Now I have a picture of a scene when the get back to Rouge's apprment and try to work out just where to hell to fit the full scale one!)

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"well..... Remember how this level looks like it's a computer simulation ? Well.... an event has been launched: The whole level is being erased , and we have to get to the next level . Or else ... insta-game over."


"There , It's ok . Now let yourself go , I'm just goung to piggy back ride you back to the hotel . Enjoy ."

(ooc: Shadow mentionned the shrine I think. I hope he is not planning to replace the real one with a fake.)

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"Ok then, let's get moving," said Hope as she ran for the exit.

(OOC He mentioned the shrine because he went there and measured the emerald undetected. Rouge just wanted some high quality replicas and got him to make them. There is no nefarious plot going on).

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"Better get a move on then." Melody shot off, but the screen began to flicker around her. She quickly checked her speed. "Whooooops. Forgot. Can't go all out here."

(ooc: If we want to move the plot on quickly, we could say 'several levels later' then do the final boss fight.)


Ziona couldn't help giggling. "I haven't had a piggy back ride since I was a little girl."

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"We betterkeep mov... Very nice of the devs.... since the level is going to get destroyed , we can see the location of every bonus and ennemies .... so , are we greedy enough to take this risk?" Said Honey.


"Well, I suppose there is a time for everything . And i do think the last time I did that was with a little girl..... Memories."

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"Given the rate the level is falling apart... I'd say... grab all the ones on our way, but if you miss one don't go back for it."


"Happy memories I hope."

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"Alright then.... let's run!!!! with no tile to loise , it's no use to keep the stealthy approach. Weapons free girls !!!"


"Maybe .... and you ?" As glen got her around .

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Melody leapt from platform to platform, hurling enemies into the void below as she progressed. Finally, she was withing reach of the exit.


"Yeah. A more innocent carefree time. It was in a park too, though that park isn't there anymore."

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Honey shot and kicked her way through ennemies and doors alike , not forgetting to scavenge what she could . A bonus is still a bonus after all....


"The park is gone now ?war sure is a terrible thing ."

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Melody turned back. She could see Honey making her way, but had lost sign of Hope. "Hope, are you okay?" she called.


"It's was lost in Nega's first strike. He came within inches of winning completely on that day. The Zone Cops were never the same after that."

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"I'm sure she is fine. Look, those green dot in your radar . It's us !" Shouted Honey.


"I see ." Glen could understand understand indeed ."If you want to talk about something else.... I won't blame you, Zionna."

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Knuckles and company walk into a bar.....

"Hmm, doesn't look like he's here. I guess we should check the shrine."

Race you there?

"Now you're just acting like Sonic, but I love a good challenge."

The two fly off, leaving Gamma in awkward silence.

"Data on this shrine is unknown.....I will reunite with them eventually."

He sits at the counter and orders an oil'd margarita.

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"I'm fine," called back Hope, as she shot herself a path forward, the exit in her sights.

"Almost there."

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"C'mon, you can make it," Melody called to her friend as she waited by the exit.


"Actually, I don't mind what we talk about. I'mm just trying to keep my mind off my foot. Ah, thank goodness, there's the hotel."

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"Is it just me or did the number of troubles we are running in keeps on increasing ? " Joked Honey


"there we are. Your broken foot is going to be a thing of the past once I take proper care of it .And Once you are better , I suppose we'll be able to talk some more."

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"Phew, that was cutting it close. What on Moebius is this game gonna throw at us next?" gasped Melody.


"Yes we will. I still can't believe I've bared so much of my soul to you."

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"Stop it ! next thing we know, we'll end up jumping around ...."


"Oh don't worry , you are not the only whose opening like that is a first .... that was strange indeed. But as long as it's you, i'll be fine."

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"I hope not. I can't breath underwater. Can you? Wait, how the hell would that even work here?"


"Strange? As long as it's me? What do you mean Glen?" asked Zonia as she got off Glen's back and began trying to walk into the hotel.

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"I dunno, maybe trying to walk over a surface when at any moment it could jump up from the depths? I wouldn't put it past the sadists who made this."

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"Eep! That sounds about right. Anyone bring something explosive to throw down it's mouth?" Melody asked as the next level began to load around them.

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"I've got a grenade in my pocket. I picked it up a while back. Hopefully I won't need to use it."

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