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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Stacey stood up and offered his hand.


"I think I know what you mean," smiled luna.


"Is... is it okay Daddy?" asked Zoe.

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"Yeah. I just wanna...keep you safe. It's my job. Full time." Said Seviper wrapping around Fenn and Zoe.


"We love you Daddy." Said Fenn nuzziling Seviper.

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Sarah didn't see and just got up on her own




Dominic grinned

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"We love you so much.  And Mommy too.  You're the best parents ever!" said Zoe, hugging tightly back.


Stacey giggled a bit.  "After you!"


Luna found the place and started reading again.

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Sarah led the way


Dominic looked excited

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Stacey couldn't help but smile at Sarah's insistence on leading.


Luna kept reading.

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Sarah didn't notice




Both kids kept enjoying the reading

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"There's Haven!" said Skye, pointing.


"Luna finished the chapter, looking up smiling.

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"I can see that" Sarah said a little rudely




Mark was entranced


Dominic looked expectantly

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Seviper smiled and said "Are you ready for your present?"


"Yeah!" Said Fenn.

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"Uh... okay," said Stacey, a little hurt.


"Another chapter?" asked Luna.


"OOH!  Yes Daddy!" smiled Zoe.

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"Here we are" Sarah said


"YEAH!" Dominic cheered

Mark nodded

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"Alright. Come on!" Said Seviper as he headed outside.


Fenn followed.

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Stacey just nodded.


"Okay, but just one more," said Luna.


Zoe followed close behind.

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Seviper made it outside.


"Behold your treehouse! Presented by yours truly!"

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"Oh!  Oh it's.... it's AMAZING!" squealed Zoe.

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"It's... It's...Awesome!" Shouted Fenn in excitement.


Seviper smiled and laughed.

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Zoe leaped at Seviper giving the tightest hug she could. "Thank you so much.  You're the very best daddy in the whole wide world!"

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Fenn hugged Seviper tight from the other side.


"I'm glad you feel that way. And now you kids our crushing me. I love it!" Said Seviper.

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Ziona laughed.  "Looks like it was worth the effort," she smiled at Seviper.

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"What?" Sarah asked




"Aww..." Dominic said

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"Nothing," said Stacey.


"I can;t read all day," smiled Luna.  "And you still need to do your Ninja training Dominic.  I don;t want you slacking."

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"Alright! Go in your treehouse!" Said Seviper.

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"Really?" Sarah asked


"Oh yeah!" Dominic said

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"Yay!" cheered Zoe, flying inside.


Stacey nodded not looking at Sarah.


"But its going very well, isn't it?" asked Luna.

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