I really like the "original" archie comics Sonic. I mean don't get me wrong, I like the games, heck they are part of my childhood even, but I really loved the way they portrayed Sonic in SatAm. In Underground he already had a title "Prince" which just didn't really sound correct to me, I like him more as a Freedom Fighter, as a hero, not Royalty. That part obviously belongs to Sally. I loved their relationship and how they got to fight together against Robotnik and later on Eggman. I am more of a SonAmy fan than SonAlly, but I can see it work too, but it makes me kind of feel sad for Amy... I really liked the different art styles they used to have, especially the more "manga" like style. It kind of worked in Sonic's case, and made the stories and the characters seem more like.. well "aliens" I guess. Though the style they have now is nicer look to Mobians. Since they are more animals than human. I also hated how they handled the Mecha Sally situation, but hey, when you get sued by your former friend and companion, what can you do? It's a shame we can't see the good ol' villains and heroes before reboot ever again... I really liked Fiona despite her turning to Destructix... and to Scourge's side. (never really liked Scourge... =3= ) But what about our Scottish Knuckles!? D: The problem with old Sonic was.... the school arc. =3= WHY? Sonic never needed school, Uncle Chuck was there for him! He taught him everything he knew, and seeing him turned to a robian, and later on back to normal was the highlight of the show! So many emotions.. and let's not forget Mutski! Good ol' Mutski. (I did like how they turned him to a full Mobian though. Nice twist. I didn't see it coming.