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Everything posted by Shinomi-chan

  1. If Pokemon were real

    Eevee (possibilities are endless)  Charmander/Torchick (love me some of dem fire types) Yamask (mandatory psychic type) Mewtwo (If it was possible to be friends/partners with Legendary) Mimikyu/Darkrai (They need more LOVE) Dragonaire (Because Dragonaire.)  
  2. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: Sevy what if he's working for Zangoose?
  3. Last to post wins v3.0

    Maybe but you can not undo my actions it ain't how role play works (besides my death was mostly sarcasm)
  4. Last to post wins v3.0

    You're not allowed to choose that =3= 
  5. Last to post wins v3.0

    Wait they can DIE?... ME FIRST!!!
  6. Last to post wins v3.0

    *slow mode* SEVYYYYYY! Cover your eeeeeyyyyeees!!!! *falls on the ground*
  7. Last to post wins v3.0

    Nonononono NMS Let Mimi-chan goooooooooo! *Mimikyu's clothing starts to rip a bit*
  8. Last to post wins v3.0

    *gets up and jumps after Mimikyu* NOOOOOOOOOO
  9. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Can I adopt you as my bro now? xD
  10. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Other pics of another oc:
  11. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: .... Is he trying to fit in the Rattata community?
  12. Last to post wins v3.0

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *rolls down a hill*
  13. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: Don't forget the mini top hats and monocles. =3= those gosh darn beautiful a-holes.
  14. The Evil Within: The Invisible Patient

      CHAPTER IX: The Monsters I walked for what seemed like hours, which probably in reality, were but mere minutes. I caught up with Kidman, who was waiting for me near the stairs. I don't know, whether the look she was giving me was full of anger, or pity. Either way I did not like it one bit. I could end it all here, I knew I could. It would all be so easy. Just by simply doing something against that organization. That way I could probably escape it all. There was nothing for me in the outside world. No family, no friends, no home, not even a pet.  I wondered what it was, that I had been doing up to this point. Was it called having fun? With others expense. I couldn't even remember what it felt like, to stay there. In that cell for months. With... who was it again? I couldn't remember her name, nor her face. She wasn't important to me in the slightest. No one was. The only ones I DID remember were out of pure hate. I despised those people. They reminded me of that man. He was the reason I was there to begin with. If it had only been me and my aunt, maybe none of this would've ever happened in the first place? Or was it because of me? Was it because I had these "powers?" Was it because I was crazy? Should I not have been born? Should I have died back then, instead of them? Was anything I did up to this point, even somehow relevant to anything? Maybe not. Probably not. It looked like she wanted to say something to me, but she held back instead. I walked downwards before her, she loaded her gun, and checked for the necessary supplies. The more we walked, the more darker it got. I had almost forgot I still had that "device" whatever it was. I still didn't know what it did, and I doubt my dear miss detective would tell me anything, she didn't deem necessary. (Which was about half of the important stuff anyway) As we went deeper to the building and, what I think was the basement floor, the more I could hear all sorts of whispers. I couldn't hear what they said exactly, but there were many different voices speaking at the same time. I glanced at Kidman, and it seemed as if she was oblivious to the noise. I decided not to bring it up. But the closer we got to the source, the more my head started to hurt. Everything was spinning around me, I lost balance. It wasn't that much of a fall, but hitting the cold hard ground still hurt a bit. We were at the end of the stairs. Kidman knelt down next to me, trying to help me up, and I suppose checked me for any damage. There wasn't any. But I felt so sick. Like I was going to throw up. My head hurt, and it felt it was going to split open. Then it stopped. I looked around the room, It was dark, rusty, and had dried up blood and ink all around. Some writing equipment had been thrown around with chairs, and vials. The different scents mixing together made a horrible smell. It was like rotten corpse in a dump. A rotten BURNING corpse. In fact, that's what was missing from this picture. CORPSES. Where were they? I saw lots of blood, but no bodies lying on the ground. Nothing. There should've been SOMETHING. But no matter how me and Kidman tried to look, for any signs of someone moving the bodies, or burning them, we found nothing.  That's when, I heard a sound coming from the hallway. It was like shuffling. The smell of burnt corpses became unbearable. I clicked on my flashlight to see what was making the noise. The light hit something. Something that looked like a big bag of something on fire. It was attached to someone, something. No, it wasn't a bag, that was swollen skin. It was charcoal black, and it was moving up and down, to the beat of that THINGS breathing. The whole stomach of the thing was glowing yellow. It was on all fours, like an animal. I saw something poking out, of the sides of the thing... Was that bone? It didn't seem to react to the light. Kidman pulled out her gun at it, she stepped out to the hallway, and moved towards the creature. I noticed two other ones on the other end of the hallway, swarming around something. The swollen part of their stomachs glowed red. It looked like they were ripping something apart. Then all of a sudden, an explosion. First one of the red glowing creatures exploded, it causing a chain reaction, making all of them explode. Kidman startled by this looked back, as the creature before her changed it's color from yellow, to red. It bolted right towards her. She reacted quickly however, and shot it. It screeched loudly, and fell on the ground, it's stomach swelled even worse than before, and it too exploded, blood and entrails going everywhere. Then silence. I silently walked to the hallway, and watched the whole scene.  It was so odd, I suppose I would have had to feel something, but I didn't really feel anything. Kidman looked at my blank reaction and told me to stay close to her. Those creatures, just died. Just like that. I had no idea what they were, they were humans right? Or experiments?  I wonder why they had become like that. They looked to be in pain, their bones sticking out, their skin burnt, and black, no eyes, and they seemed to navigate by sound and touch alone. Were there going to be more of those things? Was Natalia a monster too? Or did she still have part of her, that was human? She seemed to react to my talking, she didn't attack me. She could've. Why didn't she? Was the agent just going to kill her too, if she appeared again before us?  For some reason that thought made me feel extremely sad, and angry? I don't want her to suffer anymore than she already has, Natalia didn't do anything. She didn't want to become like that, it's not her fault, it is NOT her fault. I clenched my fist because of the thought. I just wanted this all to end already. But I couldn't do that. Wait, why couldn't I? I had no reason to go on. I could do it, all I had to do, was to refuse to help Kidman. That's right. If I did that, this would all be over in a second. I could do that, I SHOULD do that. Then, why am I not doing it? My body won't do it, I can't open my mouth. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. Or.. Was there anything right about me to begin with?
  15.   PROLOGUE  The first time I came to the Beacon Mental Hospital, I had just lost my aunt and uncle. I was about 17-years old at the time. The doctors didn't quite understand why the police brought me there, until they showed the reports of my interrogation. They thought there was something wrong with me, just because I did not cry, when I saw the dead bodies of my aunt, and uncle. They also suspected I was the one who pulled the trigger. In reality my uncle was the one to put the gun on his temple and shot himself, right after beating my aunt to death. I just assisted him a bit. I knew I wasn't really 'normal'. Ever since I was 7-years old I knew how to move objects without touching them, or break windows and other stuff just by looking at them. I could even start a fire if I was able to concentrate enough. I only trained my powers, when others were sleeping, that way no one noticed a thing, or so I thought. My parents died in a car accident when I was little, I ended up at my aunt's house. She was nice to me, and treated me well.. Unfortunately my uncle didn't. He loved to drink, and whenever someone disagreed with him, he'd beat them up. No exceptions. So of course, being a stupid kid I was, I just had to argue with him. He never used his fists to beat me up though, he'd much rather use the belt buckle for that.My aunt tried to help me, only to get beaten up by him. She was scared, I understand that, but she let him beat me up as many times as he wanted. That, I could not forgive. So when he finally snapped one night, and beat my aunt to death, I stood there. I didn't do anything, I just stared at the scene quietly. After he was done, he took out a gun and pointed it at me. I stared at the gun. I wasn't scared, I wasn't even surprised. I actually waited this day to come. I only wished it would have come sooner. So I concentrated. More than ever. I looked at the gun in his hand, I managed to control it. So I moved my hand towards my head, He did the same. I pointed at my fingers at my temple as if I was holding the gun, and he followed. He tried to speak, but he was too horrified and confused of what was happening. So then, I pretended to hold the gun, and pulled the trigger. There was a loud 'bang' sound, and his body fell on the ground. I walked up to my aunt and stared at her for a few minutes before calling an ambulance. I didn't know why I did that, she was clearly dead, I just felt like I should.When the paramedics came in, they saw them laying on the ground, and me, sitting quietly in the corner hugging my knees. I didn't feel sorry. I always hated my uncle, and I despised my aunt, for leaving me with him. She'd either look the other way, or pretend like nothing happened. The paramedics called the police, naturally. They asked me questions and I answered.The next thing I knew was, that I was being taken to a mental hospital. I didn't really care. Anywhere was better, I had no relatives to live with anyway.I was forced to go see this psychiatrist daily. I didn't like him. Always the same questions over and over again: "How do you feel about your aunts death?", "Why would your uncle do something like that?", "Was he always violent?", "Do you think it was because he had a drinking problem?" I never answered to him. I crossed my arms, and sat there, until the time was up. I had to share a room, with another patient called Emily. I never remembered her last name it started with a W.. "Watson? Weston? Washington...? No, no that wasn't it..." We always stayed on our own sides of the room. She was constantly mumbling something, and REALLY paranoid. She always had to wear a straight jacket, otherwise she would've attacked the nurse, who brought our medicine. I didn't trust the nurse either, that was pretty much the only thing me, and Emily seemed to agree on. The nurse didn't like me either, mostly because I never ate the medicine she brought me, I either hid it under my tongue or 'accidentally' flushed it down the toilet. They had to hire a new nurse, every time the former one got tired of me. I didn't mind. At least I got to keep my usual clothes, instead of the ones in the hospital.If they ever tried to force me to wear the hospital's clothes, I usually got pretty aggressive. Once I almost bit someone's ear off. So they decided, it wasn't worth it. What can I say? I just love my own hoodie, and sweat pants.Whenever I wasn't a prisoner in my own room, I'd either draw or practice my skills. I learned how to see few minutes to the future, quick flashes happened in my head. I knew when the nurse would come to take me to see 'Mr.Shrink McCreepy', or when it was time for Emily to 'cool off'. It was useful. It gave me some time to prepare for that.Now I liked Emily, she didn't ask much questions, she stayed on her side and didn't try anything stupid, like attack me at night, or try to take away the necklace, my mother gave me as a birthday present when I was 5-years old. It was a small stone ring, but to me it was a treasure.There was one exception, one person who I could trust.  She was also a nurse hired after the three first ones quit. I thought she'd be like others, forcing me to take the medicine, but surprisingly, she didn't. She actually wanted to hear my story. She came to talk to me, and asked how I got there, so I explained. I asked: "are you afraid of me?" Instead of showing any signs of disgust, she hugged me. I don't know why, but for some reason I started crying, like the day when my parents died. I hadn't cried after that. She told me that "everything would be okay", that I "would sooner or later get out and be able to live a normal life." I don't understand why, but I believed her. Before she came to work at the hospital, none of the workers had ever shown any compassion to me, well not like that at least. Besides I usually knew what they thought anyway. But her thoughts were sincere. She actually said "you matter", unlike the others, who clearly hated me, and I them. But that was okay. If I had one friend, one person on my side, I would be able to go through this hell.  
  16. General Art Thread

    Looks adorable!
  17. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Sooooooo I made Star vs. The Forces of Evil characters. Yeah. (Although Toffee and Rasticore are straight from the show)
  18. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: AYE SIR!
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    Well then Imma just... *grabs Mimikyu* o_o yeah... BOI! *runs*
  20. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: Well if SEVY is following him *literally jumps on the bandwagon *
  21. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: I meant the Pokemon! Not Dyl! ;_; 
  22. Last to post wins v3.0

    I needs me some Mimicutes. 
  23. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: This is too close to reality. BURN IT!
  24. Last to post wins v3.0

    Sevy is my Seviper! (in Pokemon Go)
  25. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    Don't worry, that beast is even bigger than I made it seem like.
