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Simon Arty

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About Simon Arty

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  • Birthday 07/14/95

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  • Location Singapore

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  1. Goodbye Archie Sonic, I'll miss you..

  2. WTH another lawsuit against Archie?? Scott Fulop following in the ways of Penders, except even more utterly ridiculous is that he's claiming characters that aren't even USED anymore. Why is this fool trying to get paid for obsolete content??? -_-

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Reprints reprints... second time they've caused a problem

    3. Simon Arty

      Simon Arty

      I feel like Penders indirectly inspired other former freelancers with the initial lawsuit over his characters, so now everyone else is getting greedy because they’ve seen they can get away with it. Do you think the guy who came up with the Daleks still gets paid every time they appear in an episode of Doctor Who? Or that the creators of Batman TAS get paid every time Harley Quinn shows up anywhere? The logic of these people...

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Er.........As to the Dalek example, yes, he does. (If he's still alive) He OWNS the Dalek idea. That is why the Cybermen were created as a replacement for the Daleks as he was trying to market a Dalek TV show in the states, so the Dr Who writers had to come up with a new main villain. Also, at the very least up to Genesis of the Daleks, he wrote the first draft of all the Dalek stories....

  3. Another lawsuit?? Just give it a rest already Penders. http://www.tssznews.com/2015/10/20/ken-penders-hints-second-lawsuit-in-tweet/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. teamrandom21


      hey guys. i'd just like to let you know i emailed panders about this.

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Um... I'm not sure that was such a great idea. Kind of pointless too since hes not going to listen to us complaining. Hes going to blame it on Archie or SEGA (like hes already doing in his tweet)

    4. teamrandom21


      I know dylan but it's worth a try. that and who's to say this lawsuit is about sonic?

  4. Ken Penders Topic...

    Major news everyone, it seems Penders is hinting at another lawsuit in a recent tweet of his. You can read about it here: http://www.tssznews.com/2015/10/20/ken-penders-hints-second-lawsuit-in-tweet/ Honestly if this really happens again it will be utterly ridiculous, what did Archie do to make his pipes explode again? The comic has been rebooted and no longer feature his characters, then it must be the reprints?? But even those are trying to avoid reprinting his material, they've changed the graphic novels title arcs or avoid featuring his characters on the covers. Sonic Legacy and Knuckles Archives have already been cancelled obviously because of this, if Sonic Archives gets cancelled I'm going to be very P*ssed because that is the only graphic reprint series reminding that I'm still willing to pay for.
  5. Sad moments

    I remember reading Mobius: X years later where Sonic's kids were wiped out from existence because of the altered timeline, while the final print's panels of Sonic crying were sad to see the original has even more feels, just check out Tracey Yardley's DA scraps to see what I mean. Family death, especially kids, is no laughing matter. People like Lien-Da and Fiona Fox's backstories were sad to read as it was what made them turn evil ultimately, they wouldn't be if they had a good childhood. I was empathetic to Fiona more and I wish she hadn't turn evil, couldn't blame her though for all that's happened. Character deaths throughout the series were very sad but the one that hit me the most was Nate Morgan. The poor guy really didn't deserve to die, he was brilliant intellectually yet his crappy luck made him suffer so much from both Overlander and Mobian alike. His death was chilling to see and so utterly frustrating no one cared after that. Let me think of other significant character deaths: Hope's family dying was a very tragic one. Like Nate, it was chilling to see them get Roboticized, whats more by their own relative, none other than Eggman himself. Reading issue 105 itself already gives you so much feels.Tobor's story was another sad one to read. Got his identity swapped with his enemy for the reminder of his life and never seeing his family again, only to come back briefly and end up dying.I felt sad to see the Ancient Walkers die as the storylines involving them were so interesting in the older issues. Ian Flynn wanted to remove them as they were God-like characters, thus not wanting religious stuff in the series from what I remember.Mecha was another character I felt sad to see go. I personally liked her and being completely loyal to Eggman till the end caused her death, I mean she self-destructed under Eggman's orders despite being wrongly accused! Just wanted to put it out that I never cared for Tommy Turtle and I was happy to see him go, I mean almost everyone including Ian Flynn hated how they brought him back from the dead to join the Freedom Fighters and it was done so forcefully that made him so pathetic. Ian made a good decision to kill him off, at that time all the fans were waiting for it.Locke was a interesting character in the series and it sucked personally to see him die, I mean it was weird, him and Knuckles' relationship was written well and it felt empty without him in the series after that. I always felt he was never dead but that he's just somewhere out there to be found again.Remington crying over the demise of the Brotherhood of Guardians. I mean we never knew if they were truly dead or not because what is known was that they were tossed into the Twilight Zone by Dr Finitevus. It made me think for the other Echidna characters who died around the same time too, most perished by Eggman's Egg Grapes, they were all were classics in the older issues I loved.While the idea of Charmy Bee being a prince was the only idea from the old continuity I disliked, it was nonetheless tragic to see his entire colony killed along with his family. Aside from Saffron Bee they never found any survivors.Geoffrey thinking that Hershey is a goner was more than enough to feel sympathy for. The poor skunk only joined Naugus because he has nothing important in his life left, only to realize Naugus is just as twisted as any other villain is, so chilling to see him get possessed and being technically "erased" from existence when the Genesis Wave hit. What fan who read the comics before the reboot wouldn't feel devastated to know so many beloved characters got wiped out by the wave?
  6. General Art Thread

    Really appericate your comments guys! :) I'll post up more Sonic art whenever possible, I'm glad you all liked it.
  7. Indeed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Simon Arty

      Simon Arty

      Hey! Well I've been gone mostly due to my loss of interest in Sonic. Doesn't mean I still don't catch up with things. I'll be here whenever possible. :)

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Ah. Okay. No worries

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hi there. Good to see you around again!

  8. General Art Thread

      Yup! I drew heavily from references and the comics I had, all done in my own poses however. Alot of Steven Butler and Tracy Yardley influence I suppose..  :D
  9. General Art Thread

    Hey guys, it's been awhile since I last came here. I thought I'd tease you all with something:     Ta da, since last year I've been sketching out the entire main cast of Sonic Archie prior to the reboot. Planning to place them all together when I'm done and I'm far from finished. Hope you like it! :)
  10. Ken Penders Topic...

    What on earth seriously, signing and selling an issue he completely had nothing to do with. I wonder if Ian has even heard of this, I'd be ticked if someone sold my products you know. Oh word that image Penders made is horrible, he really needs to take art classes. I'm only an art student in college and I can see all the mistakes on it, bad coloring choices.
  11. Ken Penders Topic...

    My word, this is utterly Meanieed. I knew he would do something pathetic like this, pah, I'm sure his fanbase would understand how we feel now. How much more nonsense will he come up with? Possibilities are endless with his so called 'logic'. Well thank you Penders for screwing up the comics that Ian and Archie had to reboot and now screwing up your own characters. The negativity towards you is obviously because your ideas are stupid and you've got to change them, not to mention your ego centric personality. Selfish derp, the comics are going to die all because of you, cared for nothing but your own creations, it was never about Sonic in the first place, you never played any of his games! That's why you took Sonic Chronicles the wrong way when they simply paid homage to the characters you made, not stealing them you dumb ass. Yes I still don't get how anyone can respect or support him. His meddling has been seen from the very beginning, first ruining SATam's 3rd season and next with Archie Comics then his very OWN comic, which will utterly fail. Look at what's happened, he went around ruining people's happiness obviously of jealousy because SATam and Archie would have better business than him. Sure the attentions all on him now, but like I give a hoot about his boring work. Doesn't even know how to write a proper good story.
  12. Ian mentioned on BumbleKing that Dulcy's coming back in the Comic soon! YES! :D So happy she's goin' reappear again after so long, please make her part of the Freedom Fighters again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I don't think Zan will be showing up, Locke

    3. Simon Arty

      Simon Arty

      Nah, it be odd to bring him back. I found that story stupid anyway. The Dragon's back poopheads!

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Hooray for Dulcy then!

  13. "After The Credits" - A New Archie Gimmick?

    I think that be great help, very appreciated. Unless the uploaders are able to get both issues and place the alternate ending at the very back of the same issue.
  14. "After The Credits" - A New Archie Gimmick?

    Kinda interesting but I mostly feel this is money grabbing honestly. Makes me more glad I stopped buying anyway since I can just read them here. The recent lawsuit has left me in utter despair, I'll only be buying the reprints to show Archie I AM in no support of the reboot, it's my opinion I hope you understand friends. I'm still reading the comic just not buying them anymore as I used to.
  15. If any of you are interested, my animation final year project is complete and ready to view here: http://simonarty.deviantart.com/art/Project-X2-Click-to-Watch-423550317 Feedback will be appreciated! :D

    1. Cinescense


      That was actually pretty nice.I hope that you find a job In your career choice soon because I could tell you put a lot of work Into that.I too want to become an animator In the future and It always makes me smile when I see short animations like this.Also how long did that take you too make because I've heard from some animators that It takes a looooong time to even get 1 minute

    2. Simon Arty

      Simon Arty

      Oh thank you so much! :D Yeah I literally stayed back in school till 9pm everyday to finish it, but this FYP didn't score well. :( Oh well. I'm very happy you enjoyed it, and if you could, spread it around? Cause I would like some feedbacks from others people, thanks! Start drawing a lot if you want to become and animator! Practice is very important, go look up tutorials on the internet. ;) This was a group work and it took us about 8 months. I know it's long but cause...
