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About NegaMetallix

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  • Birthday 03/30/96

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  1. Judging by the STH #274 preview, it looks like Gemerl and Bunnie WILL be affected by the Deadly Six. I was right!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NegaMetallix


      Also, it's unlikely that they could even control NICOLE, since she's not actually mechanical for the most part.

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      I think the trouble is that, Preview not counting, how it works is unexplained right now, leading to the 'bwa' moments.

    4. NegaMetallix


      Eggman does kinda explain the D6's powers to Sonic in 'Lost World', but I understand that not everyone will have seen/played it. From what I gather, they can simply control anything mechanical within their sight, possibly further thanks to Sigma's armour enhancements.
