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About NegaMetallix

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  • Birthday 03/30/96

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  1. So, I think we have enough evidence to say that the Sonic comics are getting a semi-reboot. I tell ya, the amount of people I've seen having tantrums at the new character designs is insane. Not here, mind you, as the people on these forums seem to be pretty cool-minded.

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    2. Glider4


      I'm not going to look into it. I don't want to know before it happens. But I honestly hated the new sally design. Though It may have changed since IDK. My biggest fear is if they try to make it like the games. You know the games that are inconsistant as hell and virtually never have good stories

    3. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Yeah, I think most of the hatred is cooled down in the forum games.

    4. NegaMetallix


      @Glider4: Fair enough. I think Sally's design looks a little bit different, but I haven't seen the original reveal image in a while. As for them making it like the games, I can only see that happening aesthetically. Unless SEGA gets directly involved, I highly doubt that they will try to make the stories anything like the games. Otherwise, what's the point of the comic?

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