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About NegaMetallix

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  • Birthday 03/30/96

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  1. So, there's recently been a reveal of an upcoming Sonic game, slated for release in 2015 for the Wii-U, PS4 & Xbox One. Here's the link: http://www.sonicstadium.org/2014/02/new-sonic-game-coming-2015-for-wii-u-ps4-xbox-one/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      But they said FILM Locke. I thought Sonic Boom was meant to be a series. 52 11 minute episodes

      Current/last gen systems I wish they were on too. I've already missed out on games because they don't do last gen

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Film may be a slight mistranslation/hiccup where they meant to say 'CGI show'. Also, no PC release? Aww.

    4. NegaMetallix


      For those wondering about the whole 'CG film' part... after some research, I think they're most likely referring to the show itself, as it technically still counts as a 'film' of-sorts. (Besides, it's kinda false anyway. Remember 'Night of the Werehog'?)

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