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Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

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About Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

  • Rank
    Kitty McPurrington
  • Birthday 06/09/01

Profile Information

  • Gender Female
  • Location IDW Sonic Planet
  • Interests Drink(s): Mint Guayaki/Yachak | Games: FPS | Hobby: Cartoons | Food: Rice + Meat | Music: Lo-fi | ISFP-T Fave Song: Western Point by WYS, Sweet Medicine
    (All are Subjected to Change)

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  • Steam Tooq
  • Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/tooqtopic

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  1. I really wish Scourge would show up in the comics already.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

      Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

      WHAT?! I can't wait that long! And I'm pretty sure that the Scourge fans wouldn't wait that long either. Oh wait, Next year is pretty much next month huh? Nevermind, I can wait.

    3. BlurryDawgo


      Well, he has plans for Shard...

    4. BlurryDawgo


      ...but he doesn't want to "spoil the surprise".
