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Posts posted by Glider4

  1. Hey guys. Guess what? ...We finally have a cutscene! However, it's in Japanese, so you'll have to stick with rough translations for now.

    Anyway, enjoy the onslaught:


    Here's the rough translation of the cutscene's dialogue:

    Zavok: Fire!

    Zavok: Kill the fat man! Show him what we’re really capable of!

    Cubot: These guys mean business!

    Sonic: These guys are tougher than I thought… Gonna need to think of a strategy to take them out before they do some serious damage.

    Tails: I know you can do it, Sonic…

    Eggman: Retreat! We have to retreat! Let’s get out of here before they get us!

    Tails getting pwnd what else is new. XD

  2. Well at least , We are not back in Sonic adventure 2 , where Knucles's rap was censored because of the word "Darn" , they still allowed the innuendos about Rouge to stay though.... Is this supposed to hint at something ?

    Anyway, I've gotta say, there were kids show that were way more scary than that , but

    oh well, adventure time doesn't count I guesss...

    I hate stuff like that. What kid hasnt heard the word Darn?

  3. I'm not really liking the sound of it to be honest. Though I'm confused at the "Most, if not all characters are getting redesigns to look like the Sonic game characters." Implying that the didn't before. All that seems to have been done is that they removed the fur on the side of their mouths which doesnt really change anything so i don't really see the point but it's no biggie. You know I'm actually pretty exited. Those new covers look nuts XD

  4. Yeah, like I said, Modern Warfare 1 and 2 were great games, and black ops 2 is decent. My brother, who is a huge COD fan, traded in World at War, Black Ops and barely plays MW3. It just seems like everyone bought Modern Warfare because it was actually a great game, and now everyone buys any new COD game just because all of their friends buy it because of the name. The people who headed Modern Warfare 1 and 2's development are making Titanfall. Now THAT looks like it could be the game to finally beat and de-throne COD.

    I hated both MW2 and 3. Especially 3 but 2 mostly because it was unbalanced and it became more irritatting over time. I really like the BO games except all of them have horrible singleplayer modes. So yea no COD ghosts for me because IF can't make games

  5. I wonder if we will meet any other new sonic characters. (You know. Besides the new ghost enemies)

    I heard in one of Rrogers vids that Tails, Amy and Knuckles will be in it, cuz you know, it really makes sense for knuckles to be in floating random shape land while he's supposed to be guarding the master emerald.

  6. The real story around here, should be the way the relationship between the two bad guy is represented. It started of on VERY GOOD term, But in the end, it will finish on the both of them backstabbing each other, and messing up their plan thank to sonic and megaman...

    What worried me though, was the scene where Robotnik and willy... Argued. A bit too.. realistic.. HECK, this could be two parent arguing at each other violently, and the robot being the children.. Just look at orbot and Cubot!!!

    And metal Sonic that doesn't even care...

    I don't consider that a bad thing. It's intense and more relatable.

  7. I apparently have a different thought process on this. I just see Mario and Sonic as two sperate series, made by two different companies, and each series has something different to offer gamers. I didn't hear of Sega coming out and saying that with Lost Wolrd, they were trying to make a rip-off of Mario.

    IDK I obviously like both Mario and Sonic, so we should just agree to disagree =)

    About COD, am I the only one who doesn't care for those games? I enjoyed Modern Warfare and MW2 was good, but if there's one series that's more overrated and milked for money than any other video game, it has to be COD.

    Trust me LOADS of people don't care for them. In fact most people go into a blind fanboy rage when the hear the words "Call of duty." I like some of them but I'm not all that into it to be honest

  8. I mean, if you look at the game play videos, it's still nearly as fast-paced as Unleashed or Colors. It's simply that you have the option of going slower if you choose to focus more on plat-forming. Like I said, the difference between this game and Mario Galaxy is the difference between the Genesis Sonic games and Super Mario World. At least from the videos; really we won't know either way for sure until we get our hands on it and play it ourselves.

    We obviously have different opinions and tastes on video games lol. But I must ask you; you consider Super Mario more over-rated than Call of Duty, which has become the most well-known cash cow since Activision screwed over the people that made it so popular? There's less of a difference between each COD game they crap out each year than Mario; whether you like Mario or not, at least there's a variety of games within the series for fans (RPGs, racing, sports, side-scrolling platforming, party, main-series games, etc.). And at least they have multiple teams working on each type of Mario game.

    Why would they even do this though? They are making the mistake of thinking that trying to become their rivals will make them sell. Thats what happened with homefront and we all know how well that did. Besides I hate this mario style because It's something that any slightly competant developer could make. That and it's boring.

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