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Samantha Kuznik

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About Samantha Kuznik

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/16/02

Profile Information

  • Gender Female
  • Location Robotropolis, Mobius: Enjoying my life as a Kung Fu Warrior Fox
  • Interests Sonic the Hedgehog, DUH!! Five nights at Freddy's and Dubstep Music

Contact Methods

  • YouTube https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCgpU4c8PB1q9oKYFN6NLsJA

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  1. I found my theme song for RP!



    what do y'all think?

    1. Skye Prower
    2. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      I'll come back to u, Skye!!  

  2. PLZ!  I need the name of this song!  Don't pay attention to the furby. Pay attention to the background music.  Plz!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      Oh!  And I had a furby about 3 years ago, it was SOOO annoying.  Mine was Sky Blue....I think? Those things are hell creatures.  Have you ever had a furby?


      this was mine:


      Oh!  And I had a furby about 3 years ago, it was SOOO annoying.  Mine was Sky Blue....I think? Those things are hell creatures.  Have you ever had a furby?


      this was mine:http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/G/02/uk-toys/2012/Aplus/Furby_A_5._V391092747_.jpg

    3. Shinomi-chan


      I remember vaguely that I may have had a kirby when I was little. But it's batteries died xD

    4. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      Wow.  Krazy.

  3. Hey guys!  Who likes rock n roll?  I know I do!  Anyway.  Who knows the rock band Def Leppard?  (Leppard not Leopard).  After the video, tell me what your favorite genre of music you like and if you like rock, who is your favorite band?

    Def Leppard song; my favorite song of all time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaG8faaFUMM


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      Totally!  I'm actually going to a Def Leppard Concert in October of 2016!  Awww YEAH!!

    3. Thire



    4. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      Dude... I'm friendin' you!! We are the exact same!!

  4. sonic-the-hedgehog-iphone-5-44639-1593.pGUYS!!!  HELP!!  I NEED YOUR URGENT HELP!


    I GOTTA KNOW: I have a newly bought IPod 5 and I'm curious...  Does an IPhone 5 case FIT the IPod 5???  I gotta know 'cuz I wanna buy the case above.

    1. Chaotix_Espio_24


      Sorry, but the Ipod 5 case thickness is 0.24 inches, and an IPhone 5 is 0.30 inches.

      So the Ipod will just fit loosely in that case.

      So the best idea would probably be to buy and Ipod 5 case.

    2. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      Well, I was thinking of putting duct tape inside until it fits, but I have other ideas, thanx!

    3. Chaotix_Espio_24
  5. You may think of me as a creep.. But here's my recent watched video.. Video of the Week....


    enjoy the video of the week!

    1. Chaotix_Espio_24


      o_o, what is this?

    2. Shinomi-chan


      Like Alice of Human Sacrifice? Bit with kittens?

    3. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      Yeah. I'll post a video every week!  If... You guys want me to..  But I'll do it!

  6. For my free time, tell me if u like the video.  P.S~ Don't watch the whole 10 hour version of cuteness, it may put you in a cuteness coma.  If u don't wanna see the 10 hour version.. Click the original link to the original video.  ENJOY!!


    the 10 hour one:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kUs2cDMmTV4

    the original:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kBHZj7VOxFE


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      LoL: Chaotix_Espio_24!

    3. Chaotix_Espio_24


      :) *Keeps barfing raimbows*

    4. Samantha Kuznik

      Samantha Kuznik

      *Dies* I like RAINBOWZ!
