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About teamrandom21

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  • Gender Male
  • Location mobious
  • Interests writing, gaming.

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  • YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxOHnSDwHKqDNjR8cdypHFA

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  1. I'm glad that I know some nice people on forms like this. Still very angry at the fact that one of my favorite DA artist had to diss me/be rude to me...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Chapmic


      And have you seen that time when I asked them on the DA page that since Ian Flynn said he would have liked do to a crossover with STC, they would eventually make one with the online sequel ? One of the members, who doesn't even decide anything the group has to do, answered me "No, I hate STC, so there won't be any crossover."

    3. teamrandom21


      immaturity is really becoming a thing around here. Wouldn't be surprised if it was the same guy who posted on there about how someone should attack Ken Penders at the one sonic thing he was at.

    4. Chapmic


      A member of the DA page group said that ? I think I'll definitely stay away from it and those strange group members, and just stick to the website and real project members.
