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Status Updates posted by teamrandom21
Apologize for breaking the one status rule, but in lighter news I'm working on a light novel right now at the moment, and a short story book that I plan to publish on Amazon Kindle
It's been a while since I've been on here...never the less, I'd like to stay but I don't feel very welcomed anymore due to a certain group that's also found this forum. If anyone wants any of my other contacts such as twitter or Da I'll give them to you via the DM's.
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Those are things that have happened at ASO. And the way I see it what happens at ASO stays at ASO. I don't really understand what happened over there and I don't care too much. Don't worry about people from over at ASO because whatever happened over there really doesn't matter to here unless similar things happen. If you do end up having issues from anyone here because of ASO or for any other reason please let myself or one of the other staff know and we will try to sort it out as best we can
To college's credit, it hasn't been to harsh on me yet. Kind of hope it stays that way for a while because I'm still having a hard time getting over the fact that I'm driving myself there, along with the whole "everything is on you" aspect.
Because life wasn't cruel enough, it had to take my cat a couple of days before my birthday...
I really hate seeing my grandmother the way she is. She needs a lot more help getting around and I'm always worried about her.
It's been a while but I finally started uploading to good old writers block again!
I really can't believe I'm almost graduating...
So I'm happy to say that prom was pretty good. I had a good time, saw friends, ate, it was a blast. Kind of glad to, in the past my proms have been a bit shaky, so this one being pretty good (especially for the price I paid), is a good highlight to go off of...Now about that disney trip...
hope you guys like my new profile pic. it's a picture I commissioned to kell0x not too long ago, and I think it looks pretty good.
oh heck yes, watching the animaniacs episode where they mix up all the characters...I need this after a bad day.
I'd really like to know why I keep having these weird dreams...
poetry has been a thing I've been writing lately...
Sorry I haven't been very active on here guys, I haven't been feeling formy lately and I don't really have any topics worth making discussion thingy's out of at the moment.
Yeah, like I feel bad because I want to interact with the nice peeps on here but at the same time I don't feel like talking about the archie lawsuit, my fan fictions have bad words in them that I don't feel like censoring out due to lazyiness after a long school/work day, and I've had my hands full on a wrestling forum uploading my wrestling pic fed (or slide show in this case.) Add in my let's plays, school, searching for jobs and writing and you see why I've been quite.
Got a girl I like a flower gram, which is going to be delivered February 14th (valentines day).
really hyped that I have work this weekend. I know it may not be the most glorious place but if I don't get money in my wallet/bank account soon I'm going to go insane.
Because the job position I wanted begin already taken wasn't bad enough, I got a call that my grandmother was in the hospital.
Good news is though that she is doing alright, which is good. Certainly needed news like that, especially seeing as I got the call when I was after school.
I don't know why, but for some reason I feel really confident in my writing, more free spirited and happy, ready to make and create stories with free imagination and expression.
Hope you guys are having an awesome Christmas!
Anybody doing anything fun for the hoildays?
Really depressed cause of something that happened yesterday
Guess who's going to N.Y city this weekend?
word on the street has it that archie is counter suing Scott over his lawsuit. In the words of TZZS this could get ugly.
It really bothers me that the same fandom where I met great people have a drama alert like story every other week. Still would like to know what goes on in MLP if it's supposedly worse then Sonic still.
Got my license yesterday and went out to gamestop and 7 eleven today. Driving around may not be a big deal to older people here, but coming from someone who finally has the chance to go out and go places that my dad always complains about driving me too, it feels like I won the lottery.