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The Chaodren (RP Game)

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''I help Hershey.'' Margred said and ran after Hershey

''Auntie!! You can't go there!'' Darkness yelled to Margred

''Don't worry, I will come back!'' Margred ylled to Darkness

Edited by Margred

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"Okay.. If Margred helps Hershey then I can concentrate on stopping the fire.."


Shinomi used her Chaos and mind powers creating invisible wall which stopped the fire from spreading any further


" I can keep the wall there for a while as long as there's no distractions... I hope Hershey and Margred are safe.."

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Skye came over.  "We've managed to rig up an old firetruck to hover and suck water from the lake.  You keep the fire from spreading Shinomi, Kit and I will put it out."


"Can I help too?" asked Kyubi.


"No, stay with Shinomi where it's safe son," said Skye.

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"Do it quick then!" Dylan said

Chazzie was scared

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"Okay Skye and Kit.. you two be careful..." Shinomi said as few sweat drops fell down


"It's pretty difficult to keep the shield up..." 


Angel was trying to carry a water bucket but it was too heavy for her to lift

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Skye and Kit nodded, Kit calling 'good luck' back to Shinomi as the jumped into their makeshift vehicle.


"Let me help you with that!" said Kyubi to Angel kindly.

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Hershey was too focused on reaching her home to notice all the branches around ending up with several splinters in her feet and arms. She reached the clearing where her home once stood to find it colaypsed and still ablaze. She looked around still paniced when she noticed Zelian on the ground near his workshed. "ZELIAN" yelled Hershey as she rushed to him. Zelian coughed twice "Sorry mommy this is my fault. Daddy turned cooker on and I threw fireball at him" said Zelian before coughing again."Where is your dad?!" asked Hershey. "Still inside" said Zelian before he passed out. "Take care of Zelian, I am going to get Geoff" said Hershey as she started to run towards the fallen home.

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"If only I had limbs...I'm useless." Said a discouraged Seviper.

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"You can use Flamethrower right Seviper?  You could use it to create a 'blow out'!" called Skye.

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"okay... you can do this Shinomi.. you can't pass out just yet..." said Shinomi to herself as keeping up the shield took a lot of power and concentration. Meanwhile Angel gladly accepted Kyubi's offer to help her.

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Seviper nodded and used flamethrower!

"Yeah!" Shouted Bitey!

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Margred healed Zelian with her powers and made a shield around them.

"Everything is going to be okay..." Margred said to Zelian who is still passed out

Edited by Margred

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"That's it.  We're pushing the fire back!" called out Skye.


"Why don't you help me throw it onto the fire," said Kyubi to Angel.

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Hershey fought through all the rubble trying to find Geoffrey but the fire kept slowing her down.

Zelian was still passed out but in his sleep he started to humm a lullaby.

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Seviper stopped.

"I'm running out of juice." Said Seviper.

"I can change that!" Said Sticks as she put a super spicy pepper down Seviper's throat.

Seviper's flamethrower became stronger!

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"Kuri! Stand back!" said Del. He held up what seemed to be a wand. All the flames started to suck in to the wand very quickly.

"Dad! I wanna help!", said Kuri worriedly.

"No. I have this!", said Del. "And besides, you still haven't learned how to effectively control your magic yet, son."

"Can I at least help Shinomi?", Kuri said.

"Go quickly, Kuri. Shinomi's losing power fairly quicker than I expected..."

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"It's fine... I can do this.. I just haven't done a shield this large ever before..." Said Shinomi still sweating trying not to pass out. Angel nodded to Kyubi and helped throw the water from the bucket towards the fire

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"I can help too!" Darkness said to Angel and Kyubi and went to help them

Edited by Margred

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"Okay, let's get another bucket," said Kyubi to Angel and Darkness.


"Fire's almost out," called Kit.

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"O-okay!" said Angel as she then ran to get more water.

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Seviper finally got exhausted and fell down.

"Sorry guys! I can't go anymore." Said Seviper.

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"Okay!" Said Darkness and ran behind Angel

Edited by Margred

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"Oh man we lost Sevy! It's okay.. The fire's almost out..." Said Shinomi a bit dizzy

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Zelian kept humming while passed out.

Hershey was getting really upset as she kept trying to find Geoffrey in the rubble. But in her recklessness her tail caught fire. She managed to put it out before she was hurt but let out a extremely loud scream of sorrow.

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