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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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Fluffy nodded, smiling and running with him.

"uff, you're fast!"

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"Since we're going underground we might run into earth dwelling pokemon who might get cranky if disturbed."said Seviper.

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Milotic looked at them, "Shall I lead and make sure that doesn't happens?"

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"Run's in the family," said Skye. "Uh... that wasn't meant to be a pun. But you can fly.... Wait, do you remember that?"

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"Considering most pokemon that live underground are rock and ground types,it makes since for you to take the lead,since you know water fall and hydro pump."said Seviper.

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"Okay then," Milotic said, entering first.

Fluffy giggled at the pun line. "f-fly?" she tried to flap her ears and did fly, "WOW!" she smiled

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"See. You can fly better than I can," said Skye as Milotic overtook them

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"I can't fly 'better', you're always the best." Fluffy smiled.

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"Best tunnel you ever seen Milotic?"asked Seviper.

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Milotic smiled, "Not that I tend to go into tunnels all the time, but I'm impressed."

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"It doesn't look like we're being followed"

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"You've seen me 'fly' right? I can't do it properly yet," said Skye as part of the tunnel roof began to collapse. "Uh oh."

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"I know."said Seviper.

Feraligatr shook his head.

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"Well, I don't even know how to- uh." Fluffy said, listening to all the collapsing.

Milotic firmly said, "Just be a bit slow."

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"Slow? If the tunnels collapsing we need to go fast"

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"Fast movement is causing this, it's too weak to handle so much people."

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"I think it might be more being cause by the building collapsing above us," said Skye.

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Fluffy shook with horror, almost covering herself with her ears, but stopping since Skye didn't liked it.

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"I'd have to agree with Skye here. Which means we should be going faster"

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Milotic nodded, "okay then, just take care not to break your necks."

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Skye nodded and started running again. "Don't be scared Fluffy. We'll be fine. Dad's stories always's had happy endings. So will ours.

(ooc: Skye doesn't mind her hiding her face. It's tugging on her ears he doesn't like!

And I think Tails may have been a bit... selective in what he told the kids)

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(ooc: Anything with ears is what he minds

yeah, right XD)

"Ours?" Fluffy asked, smiling.

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(ooc: Well, you wouldn't tell an eight year old kid, say, what happened with Charmy in the Egg grapes for instance)

"That's right," said Skye, looking back with a matching smile.

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(ooc: Yeah, right, and then there is Fiona.)

Fluffy was blushing now, some memories now coming back to her.

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(ooc: Well, he might have mentioned his first girlfriend was a robot, but other than that...)

More the the tunnel began to shake.

"Seviper, how close are we to the exit?" called Skye.

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