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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"Uh, I'm more worried about the big army and the ugly guy in the corner," said Kimi, jerking her thumb towards the Professor.


"1... 2... 3!" Skye pulled.

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Chris nodded, happy Kimi forgot the thing he said, "forgot about me!?"


Fluffy shouted a bit as she finally came through the gap, and then fell on Skye, "you're strong." She said,

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"Forgot about what?" asked Kimi.


Skye was blushing heavily from the combination of the compliment and Fluffy being on top of him.

"I-I... uh... y-yeah.... I-I g-guess s-so.... I-I c-can lift a l-lot..."

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"Me?" Chris said, "being bad was better, you gave me attention at least,"


Fluffy started blushing too, trying to get off, but it being a bit hard due to the less area, "erm...uh...well... Aren't y-ou p-p-p-err-f-ect?" She managed to say.

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"Except you didn't like me when you were bad," pointed out Kimi.


"Uh... N-no. F-far f-from i-it," said Skye. "Y-you are t-t-though."

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"You sure?" Chris asked, smiling.


"Lier." Fluffy smiled, the blushed when Skye said she is, "again, don't lie or..." Fluffy said, smiling at him, thinking how to continue the sentence.

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"What did you liked calling me again?" asked Kimi. "'Coward'? 'Loser'? 'Desperate'?"


"I-I'm not l-lying. Everyone in m-my family is better than me. And a-all Dad's f-friends with what t-they did in the p-past. A-and all the N-new F-freedom F-fighter's as w-well, even Manic a-and Sonia." Skye took a deep breath. "And I'm c-certainly not lying about y-you."

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"You look cute when you're angry."


Fluffy frowned, understanding what skye meant, since she felt she was useless in the guardian family too, even though she was on him, she sobbed a bit then kept her head on Skye, "y-you are d-diff-erent, skye. You're, like, so nice, you can never see someone sad and..." She stopped and smiled when he said the last line, tears still in her eyes.

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"I'm not trying to look cute," snapped back Kimi, looking down at the screens again trying to hide the fact she was blushing.

'No one's called me cute before,' she thought to herself.


Skye place his arms round Fluffy as best he could in the confined space.

"Th-thank you. A-and please d-don't cry Fluffy. You're t-too p-p-p-p-pretty to b-be u-upset."

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Dylan shook his head at Kimi and Chris' flirting

(ooc: Wow. Just... wow. Never going to bed early again)

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"Then, you're trying very bad, and imagine if you try. Man, you'll look gorgeous." He said, laughing in between.


Fluffy turned all red with his touch, she wiped her tears, "t-thank you skye. Same for you."

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(ooc: What's with the wowing Dylan??)

Kimi was blushing even more. She adjusted her crash helmet, trying to get it to overshadow her face.

With the distraction, the Professor began moving slowly towards the door.


Skye smiled, and helped Fluffy to wipe her tears away.

"I-I... I d-don't want to stop this, but our friends are relying on us."

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"Stop. Right. There. Your not going anywhere"

(ooc: How much you guys went through last night)

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Chris smiled ear to ear since he knew what Kimi was doing, but he left her this time.


Fluffy smiled back and nodded, trying to get off him again, "some other time."

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"Nor was I," said the Professor. "I was uncomfortable standing in the same spot."

"What are they waiting for?" wonder Kimi as she watched the solider's outside, trying to change the subject.


"Once we escape, w-we'll have the time," promised Skye.

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"Well you can move AWAY from the door"

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"If you insist. Given there is a force field around the door my standing next to it wouldn't make a difference," said the Professor.

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"Who would like to hurt you, but really, roof, why are they waiting?"


Fluffy successfully got off him and looked at front, pondering where to go, "let's escape fast, then."

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The Professor just grinned at Chris question.

"They're not 'waiting'," he said.


Skye looked at the junction again, unsure. He took Fluffy's hand and squeezed it.

"This way," he said with certainty.

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"Wh-a, what do you mean?" He said, angrily looking at him.


Fluffy smiled, fighting the urge to kiss him again, and squeezed his hand, nodding.

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"They can't get in because of the force-field, so a team will have been sent in to deactivate it at the main emitter," said the Professor. "A shame they can't risk cutting off the power completely."


"Here we are," whispered Skye. "This is the main emitter for the force-fields," said Skye as he looked down on the room from the ceiling. "Help me get the grate away so we can get inside."

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(ooc: this is awesome, write a book, will ya?)

Chris looked frantically at the others, "What shall we do, they can come anytime."


Fluffy nodded, "I see, okay," she said, helping Skye removing the grate, "wait wh- look at that, Skye." she said pointing at soldiers.

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(ooc: a book???)

Kimi looked up.

"You... You still have Fluffy's pokeball on you? Maybe you could somehow warn her through that, as it does link you to her."


"W-we... we can't let then f-finish. They'll e-either switch off the f-fields or trap us a-all in one," said Skye. He gulped, then looked at Fluffy. "I want you t-to stay h-here where it's safe. I... I have to try a-and stop them." Skye looked terrified.

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""Bu- oh, okay." He said, trying to use it to warn her, but instead, it fell, rolling.


Fluffy sadly looked, agreeing to Skye. She gulped too, nodding, she wanted to help, but she wasn't strong enough, she went near him and whispered, "I'll be there if you need me, but I know you can do it alone, you're... my hero." She sadly smiled.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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The Professor made a lunge for the rolling pokeball.


Skye suddenly felt a swell of courage when Fluffy said he was her hero. He kissed Fluffy, then dropped down into the room, starting to spin. The soldiers gave a shout as they spotted him.

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