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At this rate I'll need to draw Dylan and make it my avatar. So many avatar changes


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Heh, I don't think you gotta worry much, BUT, why will I say no to your art? *grins happily*


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I don't know. Why will you say no to my art?


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*stares ridiculously* are you seriously asking that, HELL NO. GO DRAW


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Got to do other stuff first


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Aww, shame.

And thanks for the compliment Eliza. I like yours to. And we both have Dylan to thank!


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Yeah. I know

Heh. You're welcome both of you


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Maybe you've just got a job on the forum, making peoples avatars!


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Heh. Lol. Doubt that will happen with everyone


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I dunno, you've now showcased your talents with two of us. You might be getting requests soon!


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He does. Yeah. He drew his avatar and I coloured it


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I'm not. Just commenting. Skye did more work


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*mumble* it's so good, it's automatically a show off


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