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Zombies never really were my thing.


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I preferred vampires or werewolves to zombies. They are WAY more interesting


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Wasn't much of a fan of the neck biters either.


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As long as it's not Twilight or one of those other rubbish vampire shows they have now


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Yeah. Most normal vampires, or hunters, would make mincemeat of those types.


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Exactly. They're just rubbish


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Just drawing on my day off.



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Same here. It is too hot do do something :/ Just...unmotivated.


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Everyone is still here, good! No one disappear!

Maybe I shall starts drawing something too.


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Yep, we're all still alive for now.

Sounds like a good idea.


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Looks like I've started something here!


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Crap I'm struggling between three ideas on what to draw, I'm probably going to work on all three at the same time.


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I actually was going to draw some earlier, Centaur man. But then Skye came back from his rp game just as I was going to start. Still attempted a little but got stuck and so I haven't done much more


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I draw something for the Dragon Wiki. But sometimes I am in the same mood, what I could draw ^^


Dylan: No prob C:

Edited by Centaur Man

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How did I get so many people waiting for me to do something???


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Heh, you brought it on yourself Dylan!


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